It should have never even been brought up.
Literally the weirdest thing to ever bring up about looking for dungeons.
It should have never even been brought up.
Literally the weirdest thing to ever bring up about looking for dungeons.
Did WOTLK RFD allow your group to que for specific dungeon? IIRC that was implemented down to road, but it was so long ago…
I believe so. What version they give us, not sure on yet.
I also don’t remember if you could do a full group of 5, internet says yes but I feel like we would roll w/ 4 and just queue the 5th.
If I had to guess, we are not getting the first iteration, but something brushed up and tweaked (hopefully with the specific que option).
Hopefully the one that teleport you to the dungeon entrance.
Ya I haven’t a clue which version we get. I like how the Mythic part is setup too. I would love something like this in place of LFG bulletin but just wishful thinking on my end.
Oh em gee, what a comedian
I’ll spank him for you, we’re on the same server.
Manure…Goldshire Inn 6pm server, arrive well groomed
Aedd is a clown who wants 100% no changes. Wants youtube closed, wowhead eliminated, everyone running 64mb of ram, and one single CRT monitor and is upset people arent doing that to be just like him.
When hes posting made up problems to a wrath feature that’s coming regardless of the way he feels about it yeah… I feel like that statement stands and guess what? I value your opinion just as little as his.
Care to comment?
I would like the product we fought for to stay mostly the way it was originally intended yes. You are a retail clown that keeps coming here even though you are already playing the “superior game”. So why are you here again?
To demonstrate how little your opinion matters to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Is that your real problem with rdf? Shamans won’t even be allowed to queue as tanks because they aren’t one, get over it.
While I don’t want that, I can say that the Classic experience will never be the original experience, and some of that is the reason why.
Semi unrelated: it’s kind of nauseating to see all of the people making new classic exp prep videos mainly bc they want traffic, not bc they care about players wellbeing in game. They want to be celebs. And alot of it is just copied from other original creations. Kinda cringe tbh.
“originally intended” =/= a better product. Far from it.
Should we also have original anti cheating and anti botting? Should we undo all of that technology from the last 20 years? Why not? Why not force the game to run at 30 fps like we all had (or less) back in 07? Why is it on the SL client and not its own replica client from 2007? Why are weak auras allowed? They werent a thing back in 07, especially not like they are now. Youre telling me you dont use them? What about leatrix, assuming you dont have that either because no changes…
you keep forcing this game which has close to zero resemblance of 2007 to remain at “no changes”… Bro everyone plays the meta raid comps, min maxes to the extreme, farms every consumeable imaginary. Stop acting like this game is anything like it originally was… what a cope.
Whose we? Do you have a turd in your pocket?
Yet, there’s a mediocre druid that keeps coming around. Do you have a crush on me?
Or do you only have two brain cells since my opinion obviously matters enough for you to make comments on threads.
Lol… the mediocre druid who min/maxes to the gills… has the perfect raid comp when they parse blues / purple.
Like, just enjoy the game like we used to back in 2007… hes just a hypocrit tbh. Wants a completely original game yet plays it like 2022 retail. Talk about cringe.
Awww someone cared enough to look me up on wcl while I couldn’t give 2 craps about you.
The main crux is people thinking that there’s anything wrong at all with RDF. There isn’t. Stop bringing it up, dead subject.
His only response because he got absolutely destroyed.
Go download more weakauras while you complain about no changes. Cringe.