Why put a time limit and not expect people to grind?

You put a time limit on it of course people are going to go nuts trying to get it all done asap . You made this mess address it at least . You lied about the cloak , lied about being OP, and now just keep nerfing everything except the one thing you should be nerfing…… gear upgrade cost . What a shame ,the event was really fun .


I guarantee you’ll be able to collect everything before the event is over.

I guarantee you I’ll quit playing Mop remix before then because everything they’ve said so far is a lie .


I’ll quit once i collect everything for my Shaman and Priest, which is soon probably. But I might come back to get the rest of the stuff, retail is dead anyway.

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The only conclusion I can think of that does not seriously trash talk devs is…

The devs had an idea. And the suits forced them to shape it into something that would boost stock numbers and retention or some trash.

That’s the only way I can logic creating and advertising a short lasting , fast leveling , power fest side thing and nerfing all the things that make leveling fast, and make you powerful.

It’s stupid. It’s like making a car and then removing the engine and wheels because you don’t like your “chairs” moving on you.

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A 90+ day time limit. Double the time we had for fortni- i mean plunderstorm.

You dont need to grind out all rewards and a max ilvl character in the first week. You have plenty of time to get it done.

As for all the nerfs left and right, seems a little counter productive for a mode where we are supposed to feel OP and currently do not feel op. I guess they werent expecting people to grind out max power before it hit the 1 week mark. Short sighted on their part really.

As long as scaling is fixed ill be satisfied, and if they fix th cloak to actually be account wide id be happy.