Why Plunderstorm?

Why do you shuffle my meticulously organized character list? It is not nice.

Thank you for the pirate parrot though, so I forgive you.


Same here. Super annoying

Character list is just a mess, period. It really, really, really needs a better grouping system as well as a compact view.

Is this bug still happening? This started happening as soon as plunderstorm 2.0 launched. I get that blizz usually rolls bug fixes into patches. But this is a bug that will become moot when 11.1 launches and plunderstorm shuts down. So I guess bizz was like…meh. Small indie company things :person_shrugging:

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Yeah. I got all my guys back in order and decided to test it. Switched over and boom they were shuffled. Wish I had thought to do it before I got 60 some odd guys in order, but I don’t always think before acting sadly.

damn that sucks