I can I have a player house in Quel’thalas zone?
It’s not hard…Toontown rewritten has housing.you get a catalog g once a month and pick out your stuff we can do this tendies…you know what I have in my little house my bank…and my closet full of clothes…some statues…my flower garden…I have a bed…a water fountain and a lake I can fish in…don’t over think it and keep it simple. And it’s outside the main game…
I understand what you are saying but comparing how one company does something = how another company will do anything.
I fear this is dead on. Instanced is prolly much easier to maintain on a whole host of levels.
Oh well. I’ll take what I can get and let everyone else have childish meltdowns. They honestly don’t care what the forums say 99% of the time anyway. So why care?
Just because a bunch of people here throw a tantrum doesn’t mean it’s a failure.
I am cautiously optimistic.
Usually when WoW steals an idea from other games it does it well.
I don’t expect us to be able to go as nuts as Elder Scrolls Online but it could be fun. The trick is we really need to have control over where we place things and not have, say, designated wall slots for “shield/tapestry/trophy head can go here”.