Why player housing will happen eventually

Which I don’t think they will. Blizzard developers are known to deliver some false promises or fixing a mechanic in the game with a bandage. If they’re going to do something right, I would rather have them focus on the new talent system, new Mechagnome customizations, or a compelling story.

Can we stop acting like the devs refuses to give the ideal housing system the community would like to see? If the devs could make the ideal housing system, they would’ve by now. What incentive do they have to hold it off?

They said plenty of times that the housing would be similar to Garrisons and we all know how that turned out.

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Shareholder… Blizzard is a subsidiary of a Microsoft Subsidiary. And I doubt that at Microsoft’s quarterly earnings call anyone with enough shares to speak will say “What about player housing in World of Warcraft?”

You the same panda that used to spam the forum with wanting them to make oversized mounts that take up the computer screen? And went berserk when people disliked those threads into oblivion? Thought you quit the game a long time ago.

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Oh its gigabear… rings a bell :sweat_smile:

And ya, it’ll happen.

They are moving things to being more evergreen and the players don’t require them to do much of anything except put in more cosmetics so I think it’ll happen even in Midnight or something and they will monetize the hell outta it.

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I was under the impression that gigabear was banned :thinking:


Honestly Garrisons is fast becoming another “wall of no” in regard to housing. A decade old feature with a very negative perception among the playerbase, from a failed expansion no less.

I don’t know anyone who wishes for housing who remotely cares about the garrison or considers it anything like housing. If it were, people wouldn’t be asking for the feature because they already have it.

Proper housing is demonstrated by games like ESO and FFXIV. A personal space you live in, decorate, store pets and mounts(ESO), and mostly just have a place to put all your trophies.

Garrisons doesn’t have nearly enough control to qualify, and is the farthest thing from a home. It’s an RTS settlement where you, as the player, do NOT have a personal space at all.

One does not simply quit WoW. We can only take breaks. I’ve played off and on through every expansion though.

If you’re going to sell this, and I’m not sure you can… You’re going to have to convince them (and I don’t believe you can) that the development costs will be quickly and easily recovered because that many people will sink time into the housing systems.

I don’t care either way, I won’t use it personally. Not part of why I play an MMO. But that is ultimately the challenge you face. If the number crunchers at Blizzard thought that they could make any profit from these ideas vs the development costs they would have done it eons ago.

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Per forum rules I cannot confirm or deny any moderation which may or may not have taken place or the reasons for such moderation.

What I can say is I haven’t been a regular in a good long time and am not remotely the same person I was. “Best Behavior” and all that.

Nah, not trying to sell it. I feel like the decision has already been made and can only hope it is the one I would prefer.

Anyone else just claim houses in the world? I have a few properties in Pandaria on the tall Island Spires. Great getaway.

Yeah but that’s over because BobBY BouGHT HiS YAcHT and isn’t here anymore, right forum, right?

Gotcha… wink wink nudge nudge

Absolutely; Blizzard has the means now to do it and it is just a matter of time in all honesty. Eventually they’ll streamline their zone design… be minimalistic… sell you one major patch into 20 smaller ones… and monetize player housing. Make future patches revolve around that.

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For real. I’ve played so many other heavily monetized games where you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot to not at least shell out a few dollars here and there and people act like you’re forced to buy tokens to run lfr and +2s in this game.

Heck i can even name a few! Dragon ball: the breakers, survivor power is based heavily on a gacha system thats pretty hard to grind without dropping monies, pokemon go if you aren’t dropping money for more incubators you’re basically wasting that 5k you walked today to hatch 1 mon and that was just back in like 2018, runescape 3 you can get some serious advantages from paying money that range from massive qol stuff to straight up just getting more exp.

Honorable mention: classic wow / osrs. While gold buying isn’t required or even technically legal, dang near everyone does it and if you want to compete you’re either gonna have to give up all social interactions outside of wow or throw some monies to a gold seller.

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Don’t really know why he would have been banned tbh. Most of his threads seemed harmless enough for the most part, unless it was the spamming part idk. He was one of the ones that led the charge in getting the dislike button removed, if remembering correctly.

It’s already happened… go check out your garrison

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Why player housing will happen eventually

Thank god it won’t


“General MVPs should not exist” – Gigabear, 2018

Do you genuinely believe garrisons are remotely housing?

  1. The feature already exists and it is called Garrisons. People refusing to acknowledge reality doesn’t change reality just because people refuse to acknowledge it.
  2. What Garrisons showcased is precisely why ‘Player housing’ in WoW ain’t ever going to work because they used the foundation of garrisons and turned it into one of the most beloved thematic mechanics in the game since Vanilla: Class Order Halls.

WoW is about the massive community … not the individual hermit saving the day. Every time we have gotten a storyline or a mechanic that focuses on treating individuals as “the lone heroic savior” it has always been met with near universal amount of hate.

And WoW is neither one of those two games (or any other “player character = the game’s overall story’s main protagonist” types of games). In both of those games you can play the game as a single player game and it is functionally the same. If you do that in WoW people do that as a choice to be a hermit levelling alts, doing old achievements, quests, battle pets, and myriads of other things like that.

At no point has it ever worked out in the game’s favour when we have served as the “main character” of the game. That’s why player housing won’t work because it’ll be lonely, it’ll be empty, and it’ll be entirely antithetical to what people play the game for… exactly like the Garrison felt like. No matter how pretty it was, no matter what statues you displayed, no matter the buildings you made - it was all just empty of other people.

Sorry mate, but player housing has been done in WoW and folks hated it. Probably time to accept reality for reality’s sake… but it is worthwhile to mention it is possible to implement other types of “Class Order Hall”-esque mechanics into the game, but none of 'em is going to be specifically player housing.

That was the reason? I don’t remember that thread lol. But ya that would probably do it lol. I do remember the dislike button fiasco though :rofl:

Quick someone troll Elon musk