Like the many of you, we all heard about New World ad-nauseam at this point. Everybody is talking about it, since it’s getting close to release day. Talking about the graphics, the gameplay of crafting and PvP, comparing how the two companies here and how much Amazon listens (yet still keeps in microtransactions), the fact that the company doesn’t have a great track record with games, such as Crucible didn’t even last a year before getting canned, and that New World makes GPU’s explode like cars from GTA.
Personally, unless New World has an offline single-player mode with mod support, i’m not really interested in it. Aside from it being mostly PvP, i honestly thought it was just going to be a straight up 1700’s American colonial etse game, but the magic included just pretty much ruined it.
But i digress, a lot of people are excited for it, and there is nothing wrong with that. I mean i get excited for new things all the time. Once upon a time, i was excited for The Sims 4… and then i played it and went back to The Sims 3.
And yes, competition is good and all. It makes the companies work hard to earn the customer’s dollar. and in turn, make the games better, while at the same time, showing there’s an interest for (as well money to be made from) this particular genre. Again, going back to The Sims, how many of you heard of Paralives? I love The Sims (just not the The Sims 4 obviously), but i am interested in see how it plays out, not just for the Paralives, but for the The Sims as well.
Also, here’s wishing for Thrive to also finish it’s stages. I’m really interested in seeing how the rest of the stages play out. Hopefully there’s an aquatic stage.
But what i don’t understand is after all the MMO’s or games in general that were hyped to hell and back and lead to disappointment when it doesn’t live up to the hype, why we are still doing this?.. I mean it has to be on purpose at this point, given how many times we have this happen and we have historical evidence that would make somebody pause and go like… “Hmm, i’l wait and see” or at least be like “I’m excited for it, but i’m going to wait and see”. I’m sure we all heard the term “WoW Killer” at some point. A moniker that is used to kill the hyped up MMO rather then WoW itself.
That isn't to say the MMO's involved are terrible or bad. Infact, some of these MMO's are pretty good, once you ignore the "WoW killer" hype.
While i didn’t enjoy FF14, i’m not going to go on record and say it’s a terrible game… i just don’t enjoy Final Fantasy anything honestly. My alternatives or my main MMO in a world where if WoW wasn’t my main MMO, would be either Star Wars: The Old Republic or Guild Wars 2.
No, it’s simply the mentality behind of hyping up these games, that is terrible and/or bad. This unrealistic expectation set by those involved, are “Either this kills WoW and be super amazing and fantastic, or else it’s completely worthless and it’s garbage.”, instead of enjoying it or looking at it even for it’s own merits. Some even praised unreleased games before there’s any reviews for it that give it a definite rating or score, or recommendation even.
And really, what is all this for?..
You dislike WoW and you needed some sort of game to be very good to not only pull you away, but have it make look like the game you hate so bad that everybody else will quit, hence why you’re hyping it up? You know there’s like tons of MMO’s right now to pick from that you might never even heard of but chances are you will enjoy?
“But Bari, there’s nothing wrong with being excited for a game!” That’s never was my point. I said it’s bad to hype the game up that you didn’t even play or don’t know if it would be any good because it builds this unrealistic exception for the game you’re hyping up here to live up to. It does nothing but hurt the game your hyping. And if you’re only doing this because you dislike WoW right now, just unsub and go to Steam. Steam alone has a pretty substantive amount of MMORPGs on to offer. About 30 pages of it. Even a bit more when you include early access games. I mean it doesn’t have to be what’s the most relevant, hyped or popular or even a WoW killer. Try something you wouldn’t normally go for.
Just wait until launch, see how the game performs at launch, look at it based on it’s own merits, and most of all, manage your expectations. Just manage your expectations. That’s all i ask.