Why people buy carries

Well, some people got money to burn.

This game isn’t hard at all.

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I’m using real money for a token if needed, sure, but the payment for the carry itself is always in gold. Perhaps I should have clarified.

I have to admit I just assumed it was a combo of greed and bordom and then moved on in my thoughts.

But now I am wondering too.

I assume you mean “then paying for other people to play the game for them?”

That’s not what this thread is about and what I quoted is against the ToS. It will get your account banned.

I wouldn’t count on finding a 100k run. The cheapest I’ve seen on my server was 150k. And I’ve seen them go for as high as 250k

And I wouldn’t count on price dropping later in the expansion. I bet it goes up as people get desperate with time running short.

It’s right here:

I wouldn’t have told him that if it wasn’t true :roll_eyes: Especially since it’s Stompy, whom I really like.


Ah okay. Thanks for the info. My server prices might not be representative.

Edit: 1m for the first 3 mythic bosses is absolute hilarity imo.

Whatever floats your boat. I support people who buy carries, many don’t have time to raid consistently.

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Yeah that’s a big joke, but then again if it’s not a large server, prices will easily be way more. Talking to someone they paid 1.5 mil for mythic azshara after a discount using a 7/8M lockout. 3/12M is something pugs can do.

nothing wrong with buying carries it’s the scamming part that is the issue. same issue with multiboxing. people dislike it but it’s allowed.

at the end of the day gear wont make up your skill set. you can buy as much carries to get geared as you want but you can’t out play a skilled player regardless.

I was thinking of buying a +15 carry. I see a lot of people for whom it’s really easy, but for me it seems like an unreachable height. So either I’m extremely bad, or those people are extremely good. But then I realize that the next week I’ll need another carry and another, and I just don’t want to jump that service train.

It sounds enticing, but I imagine once you pay the game will lose meaning. Because do you then just pay more for more carries? Do you fall back to your own low level and struggle from there but now with gear? But why if you can pay another carry?

These kind of thoughts I have.

A lot of people have uninformed biases about raiding guilds that would quickly be dismissed if they joined an actual raiding guild.

Last time I raided in a guild was in Legion. They were nice, they took me in even though I was under geared and they geared me up for progression.

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I’ve been in and out of many raiding guilds over the course of more than a decade of playing WoW.

A good raiding guild makes this game a hell of a lot of fun and far more worthwhile. However, sometimes things happen and the guild might end up falling apart, going on hiatus, or get destroyed by drama.

Then of course there are a multitude of genuinely bad guilds you might end up falling into that will sour the experience. And there are plenty of them, let’s not kid ourselves.

In the latter case, I can’t blame some for being jaded and just wanting to buy the carry, especially if it’s for a limited time mount. I also can’t blame some for buying a carry when they simply don’t have a guild or group of friends to progress with and earn it themselves.

I can see both sides of the issue.

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That’s why I’ve lost interest. Just pay for AOTC and be done with it.

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This is why I tend not to bother with the whole “raiding guild” thing any more. I spent the better part of my 16 years playing this game trying to appease other people while maintaining a raiding spot, it was like I was applying for a job and it got old.

So, now I spend my time doing what I want with my wife and son in game and since gold is stupid easy to come by I spend it on whatever I want. Forgoing the drama and any issues that come up when in a guild.

Do the benefits outway the negatives when in a guild some times sure, but I’m good on all that not rolling the dice to find out.

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Some people don’t care about the “achievement” of raiding. For me I have done cutting edge content in the past and now don’t have the time or desire to put up with the billion or so systems you need to optimize just to get into a raid. All I wanted was the mount and a lot of other people are the same way.

Honestly, what ever floats people’s boats I guess when it comes to caries, however as some pointed out is then why even be in a guild, why bother play the game if all you do is pay others to play the game while you sit back and really do nothing. It shows a lack of class in my opinion.

Sure there are a lot of bad guilds out there, I’m sure some are people are just not social enough for your tastes. However you just can’t say all raiding guilds are bad because of one bad guild. You get unlucky but if you put effort into playing the game, you would be surprised.

I myself have been playing MMO’s for over 20 years and I have seen it all, the good the bad, the drama intense. Even a 24/7 raiding experience. I’ve seen guild masters try to scam players out of their gold (first guild I joined on WoW when the game was new was like that) but I don’t let that deter my experience when it comes to playing the game.

So I would ask you a question, what makes it by buying carries so important to you? You didn’t do the work, you didn’t put in any effort on your part, in reality you payed someone to play the game for you. Carry or not, you didn’t truly earn it, thus you shouldn’t brag you have it because at the end of the day it’s meaningless. Same with real life, if you have a job, is that the same attitude you have with a job? Just pay someone to do your shift and have them tell your boss you did the work?

Just something for people to ponder why play an MMO when in reality you just want a single player game. Play at your own pace is fine but saying you earned something by getting a carry, well to me that means you shouldn’t even be playing at this point.

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This activity is sad and gross… buying tokens to buy aotc… this is exactly what ruins the modern gaming community and meta chasing when it doesnt even matter to be that desperate anyway.

You dont even need aotc every season anyway… Sad. Why dont you just invest in the stock market irl if you want to throw money and play a game?

This irks me and then it bleeds into the game with boost posts and chat spam of boosts and it makes the game feel inflated with people selling boosts and buying gold… like no one farms gold they just buy it…then they use it to buy boosts. Then they buy more gold. Then eventually maybe they find a guild and it turns into a selling boosts guild. It kills the motivation sometimes when I see excessive group lfg posts and chat spams of boosts and all that non sense.

Sad reality that you pay to get an achievement and gear and many weak people think and do the same thing as you.


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I know why they buy , wish they would just stop and play the damn game ! I dont hate the sellers here , ive had to resort to getting their help at one point during my entire wow life :stuck_out_tongue: I hate the buyers …

But there’s too many of them selling it now , if half of them would stop and bother to increase their guild members instead , quite a lot of players like myself wouldnt have to guild hop because leadership in guild shift focus on selling instead of running stuff .

absolute state of bfa