Why P2W doesn't bother me too much

I’ve never cared about pay to win, as long as the non-p2w can get to that same point… EVERY single game has some form of p2w, Wow? You can purchase carries in raids, arenas and rbgs… no I don’t consider level boosts p2w. League? Paid carries. POE? Purchase currency. Lost Ark? Currency to upgrade. SC2? Carries… every game has it, grew to accept it as a norm.

The game is designed to find those people and encourage them to pay. Paying that $100k will make them gods compared to the ordinary players who will only get bis gear in 10 years if RNG smiles on them.

Just because something has been normalized, that doesn’t mean that it should be endorsed or blindly adhered to.


And that kind of blind apathy is how greedy companies make garbage like this in the first place.


Diablo Immortal is a stain on the franchise name.


I made an assumption before reading it and then realized it wasnt what i thought it was so it didnt apply.

I dunno about $100k but there have absolutely been people who’ve spent well into the 5 figures on whaling in F2P games. I’ve even heard of some taking out loans to do it.

This is the type of individual that P2W games are gunning for and why they get labeled as predatory.


I only want to comment on this. Everyone knows mobile games are P2W, which is why many PC/Console gamers don’t play any mobile games. Mobile phones have the power to be a viable platform, so it’d be nice if something good was released, it’s just that no one expects anything non-p2w to be released.

Person A: “a new mobile game came out, it’s p2w”
Person B: “ah, business as usual, I won’t play it”

Bound to trip up eventually.

What bothers me about P2W is that the objective of making a fun game seems to have evaporated now, it’s just go for profits instead of making something fun.

Nope, I made an assumption and then admitted I made a mistake by deleting the post.

When are you going to stop following me like a rabid Karen?

If I was following you I’d be commenting far more frequently.

How far can you get while just playing the game? I doubt it’s more than $1000 to be competitive

For me, honestly there isn’t enough money in the world to make me want to play a video game on a phone let alone dish out money for 1s and 0s. If I can’t earn it, then I can do without it as the RNG Gods have dictated it wasn’t meant to be. Just do with what they do give you and increase your skill level to compensate.

Seriously though a mobile phone is meant for communication, granted it has changed from its original use, but people spend way too much time on them and not enough time paying attention to what is truly going on around them. The problem I find with this model of games wither on a phone or on a computer, is people get so involved in winning they spend money they don’t have and put themselves and others in financial jeopardy. Reminds me when I was younger, and you would hear horror stories of kids charging up thousands of dollars on parent’s credit cards to support habits.

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The exact moment I heard this was a mobile game my immediate thought was pay pig


Which makes it a perfect topic for a World of Warcraft forum? Im fairly sure there is a Diablo forum somewhere nearby…

I genuinely wish P2W wasn’t an industry standard for games.
I preferred the buy it once and that’s it of the pre-internet era.
There is no fighting it anymore. The Asian market is the big spender for this stuff.

Diablo Immortal is exactly what anyone who has played a mobile or f2p game expected.
It is aggressively monetized like most mobile games with any competitive aspect are.
It’s probably got a good 5-8 year lifespan before it gets hit with an end of service to make room for the next thing.

More on topic than most of the stuff.
WoW and the p2w debate go hand in hand. Hopefully DI shows people what p2w actually means and they stop acting like WoW is it.


The OP is entirely about Diablo, WoW isn’t even mentioned. If the post had been targed at WoW and used Diablo Immortal as an example I could see your point.

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P2W would bother me but how I define P2W doesn’t exist in wow.


Beats another thread from the T&T trolling factory :man_shrugging:

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