Why one Arbiter?

While it’s nice to see Pelagos find something to do, installing him as arbiter doesn’t fix one of the weak links in the system. I think the Shadowlands needs a council of arbiters, both as a defence against another attack, and to make sure everyone’s life isn’t judged solely by the guy famous for not being able to make up his mind.


Yes, as councils are famously efficient and not prone to squabbling and other petty issues.

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I’d just like to know why Pelogos tells us that the stream of souls has stopped pouring into the Maw when the stream of souls is still clearly pouring into the Maw.

Pelagos character development is so bad that I don’t know anything about him other than that he’s trans.


Because you only need one sorting hat.

It’s his first day on the job and he panicked.

Well I mean, even in pantheistic religions your afterlife was still basically handled by a single deity. I suppose they’re just aping that.

I mean, it happens to the best of us.


Will they all be made of butter, like Pelagos?

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I assume all three elements would be involved. Sweet, spicy, and savoury.

Because the Arbiter is assigned by the Prophets to undertake a task that is often deemed suicidal.

Pelagos during daily standup:

“Yeah I totally fixed that bug.”

please don’t log in
please don’t log in


Well we know Prince Renathal is a shoe-in for SPICY.


“Hey, Pelagos? We’re still seeing the souls heading to the Maw.”
“Oh, you’re…uh… still seeing that? Must uh… have something cached on your end.”
Pelagos resumes furiously Googling ‘souls won’t stop going to Maw’