Why on earth is the legendary drop rates so low for dungeons?

To gain the legendary powers for torghast it seems to be 100% drop rate (which is bis for a good chunk of characters), doing pvp you farm 3k honor which takes about 2 hours and you’re set for both pvp legendary powers… I’ve spent most of this expansion in dungeon ques for my best in slots… and it’s really sickening.

That being said, can you please at least make the drop rate greatly increased on mythic and mythic+ difficulties? I have over a dozen tirna scithe and plaguefall runs now, which is well over 20 hours of gametime, and i’m not even starting to get to drop rate on these bizarrely rare for no reason powers…

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McRip, my bis legendary is from sanguine depths. I have to run that gauntlet multiple times per day -_-

My best leggo drops from 2nd boss of necrotic wake… and has a 0.7% droprate according to wowhead.

Blizzard - I thought you said you weren’t making it random getting legendaries this xpac? I didn’t get my bis legendary in Legion until literally the very last legendary… 2 raid tiers later, after other legendaries were released…

I really don’t want to go through having terrible DPS because of RNG for another 3/4 of an xpac because of bad game design.

So now we get to do 1-2 bosses in a dungeon at most, then 3 people will leave because what they wanted didn’t drop. lol

That’s likely not an accurate number since it’s pulling from all drops for every class, and only the classes able to get the drop get it, so the drop rate is artificially low. Profession-only drops are the same way. The actual drop rate is probably still low, though.

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Considering the materials, gold sinks and a host of other things it will take to construct a legendary, I agree their drop rate should be raised SLIGHTLY. Nothing big but the way it is right now I’ve run De Other Side for 3 days straight and no Arcane Infinity drop from the Manastorms >.>

It is. They have explicitly said so.

If you’ve spent many hours farming normal because you can’t wait until next week then it’s on you.

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This is because it is on a weekly rotation. We get 1 shot every 3 weeks, that is why it is 100%.
A dungeon can be requeued and targeted. The people that leave when their power doesn’t drop are entitled jerks. They can try to pin it on Blizzard, but it is the 2nd week of the expansion. They don’t need their BiS legendary, they just want it bad enough to ruin other peoples enjoyment, then blame Blizzard for their prickishness.

It isn’t you can target your legendary. You know exactly where it is and how to get it.

Then pick a different legendary until your BiS drops. You have multiple good choices to choose from. The DPS increase most likely won’t be much more significant than your second best legendary.

Blizzard is partly at fault here for simply not giving dungeons any other rewards to make people want to complete them.

If the final boss dropped anima, people would stay. But presently there’s no reason to complete the dungeon if you’ve killed all the bosses that drop your loot.

People do want to complete them, it’s the people that are still in the group. The people that leave after the boss they want are asshats and choosing to be entitled, self-centered pricks of their own volition. Blizzard isn’t forcing them to do it.

If they want to target a boss then they should figure out a way to solo it if possible, or organize a group for that specific purpose. Not screw over 4 other people just because they’re babies.

It’s never taken longer than 30 seconds for any group I was in to find a replacement, it’s really not that big a deal.

If those people weren’t queueing like this your initial queue would just be longer.

But again, if there were actual rewards for killing the end boss, more people would stay.

No, not how queuing works. Plus that means players are missing out on the downed boss.

Cool, because they’re most likely not tanks, not to mention this is a personal anecdote and not representative of everyone else’s experience. If it is douchey for a tank to leave subjecting 4 people to a 20 min que, it is equally douchey for a dps to leave subjecting 4 people to a 30s queue.

You aren’t getting 20 minute queues to replace a tank who left, why lie.

The queue simply doesn’t work like that.

I’m not entirely sure you understand queuing theory at all.

That’s simply not how it works. If the tank leaves, it’s filled almost instantly. And the group that is partially completed takes priority in filling the slot. It’s really not a big deal and there are no incentives to someone who has ran a normal 30+ to get one item. Get over it and move on.

Your best legendary drops from Stone Generals bud, not from NW.

still wondering why WB dont have 100% drop chance on conduits since its 1 time / week…