Why not void elf DH?

…though… if, completely hypothetically, they did allow it… I would race-change immediately.

Race change to what?

“it” being Void Elf DH. If they allowed it in spite of lore, I would still be a void elf immediately - whether or not they should aside.

Blizzard would make a lot of money by allowing something like this. Just imagine the income from race-changes. Imagine the number of people that would pay money for this choice. How much of gameplay is appearance? People thrive on mounts/pets/transmogs.

They’d get my money…

That’s what separates a MMORPG (particularly WoW) from another game.

It’s like the video game edition of Star Wars or Star Trek.

Don’t mess with the lore.

Other genres aren’t beholden to lore.

Play HotS and spend money on a unique skin.
There’s your player agency

I agree. But… even Blizzard agreed that player agency is important. “Balance”: That’s the key.

Which is why i asked what race in your opinion makes sense

Unless your answer is some unknown race which has yet to be introduced

Aw of course :smiley: I do what I can for the people, y’know?

As to your plight - I do get it. I myself waited 15ish years to be able to play Demon Hunter as a class. But at the same time, I can still only offer as much sympathy as I’d be able to offer the hypothetical people I mentioned before who’d say that they can’t enjoy the game because they can’t play Dreanei Warlock as an option.

Haugs isn’t wrong when he points out that someone’s (or even a group of people’s) personal preferences on their own aren’t going to ever be enough to trump an existing lore contradiction with a potential class/race combo. His style is perhaps just a tad bit more… abrasive than mine. But you could argue that that’s why he’s an Elite Demon Hunter where I’m but a Duelist :sob: :sob: :sob:

I’m having an aneurysm. Why must you hurt me like this?

Now I know why you’re saying that. But… I don’t think they are? Or at least I don’t think that the Wowpedia line that says “This concept seems to have been retconned since Classic” rises to the level of a hard retcon.

Whoever wrote that determines it by a couple of things - one being that Zandalari Demoniac didn’t appear as a mob in ToT even though Haruspices (???) did. The other being that Blizzard came out against Z-troll warlocks and you don’t see Demoniacs in BfA. IMO this has way more to do with the fact that giving Z-troll warlock would’ve given them access to every non-hero class and they wanted to avoid everyone complaining about “Zandalari master race”. Especially when they were introduced with such a strong racial.

He/she also says that Zandalari have a much more holy side to them. I love the concept behind Z-troll Paladins. But humans worship the light as a major religion, and they can still be warlocks. If I was in charge of that decision and you told me that I had to choose between another type of troll warlock and dinosaur paladins? Hands down I’m picking dinosaur paladins.

My issue with treating it as a hard retcon is that these things don’t exactly cancel out the quest text from Classic regarding the Demoniac regalia as a reward. But as this text references the Demoniac treating their struggle like the fall of the Gurubashi Empire, this leads me to believe that the art of being a Demoniac is old. Like Azerothian Pangea levels of old.

Rather than calling it fully retconned, I’d call the Demoniac art simply lost to history. Which I suppose is functionally no different than a retcon. But the fact that it ever even existed in the first place could still be used to justify a race/class option somewhere in the future.

See, I wish I could be that sure. The same Blizzard who wrote the Darkshore Warfront story lore (:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:) and who thought corruption was a good addition to the game might just be the same Blizzard who decides that giving Void Elves DH would just be less work on their part with creating new animations.

IMO this is why it’s important to say “Wait, no. Here’s why not.”

Now wait. They can still augment the demon hunter lore without them opening it up to other races.

Part of why I wish they’d leave DH races alone is because of what makes DH unique from other classes. Each other class can be boiled down to some sort of fantasy class archetype - the wizard, the armored weapon master, the holy knight, the evil sorcerer, the ranger, the thief, the shapeshifter, etc. Even death knights can be boiled down to the necromancer archetype.

Demon hunter isn’t like that. It’s a class that is born solely from this game’s story. It’s created solely from in-game-story events - which were the Burning Legion’s invasion(s) of Azeroth, the Burning Crusade era through Legion, the elves that joined Illidan’s army to fight back against the end of the universe and succeeded - many dying in the process.

I find a great deal of value in this specific story. And there’s something that just feels… idk, arbitrary about conversations involving opening up the class to other races. But like I’ve said, I fully acknowledge that it’s unrealistic to assume that the class will only belong to night elves and blood elves forever.


i understand where everyone is coming from. but think about it what difference would it make if we had nightborne and void elf demon hunters. take a look at the pandaren they are now able to be death knights. arthas is dead and yet they can still be death knights. so why not the same thing with the void elves and nightborne being demon hunters too.

Look, mate, no offense, but if you’re going to necro a thread, you gotta at least have read through it thoroughly. Your question has been answered numerous times here already.

And Arthas being alive or not has absolutely nothing to do with whether Pandaren can or can’t become DK’s.

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I can’t see a single one showing interest in joining the illidari.

i sense this is sarcasm but when you free illidan from nighthold there is no reason that couldnt be the lore for some of the nightborne turning illidari, considering both the night elves and blood elves worked to free suramar its not much of a stretch to me. void elves youd really have to come up with something but nightborne makes sense to me

Void Elves literally can’t.

In the Legion quest they state that a demon hunter trying to use void will explode. Literally.

There’s no way for it to happen at all. Just instant death.

Fel can’t mix with void.


Slap some void cult leader lore in there who sacrifices it all to be a void master, call it a void hunter, make all the moves the same, but change the color and name of the moves, color of the eyes… boom never gunna happen sorry guys ^.^ we arent void blading around and doing void barrage sorry

Lmao at all of these multi-paragraph responses, thing is it probably will happen once we hit an xpac that addresses Illidan and DH’s again.

Why you may ask? Rule of cool.

So here is my two cents. Yes we could have DH allied races and ither DH races. But it would have to be done like the new generation of dk’s. How Bolvar raised the new generation of dks something would have to happen that would have the Illidari DHs start training a new generation of dh.

One problem is that Illidan is the one who trained all of us DHs and he isn’t here anymore.

Now if Blizzard does bring new DHs out 2 races that should noe be is VE and LFD. Their powers would not be compatible. And the whole bit about Illidan using shadow magic, yes he cast a spell he did not take the void into himself.

They could have done this for undead for them to be shadow paladins. Just change the color of the abilities and have them be the same.

And before saying it. This thread was already necroed i just found it and added my 2 cents