Why Not Try This- Returning Player LFG

Hello everyone who stopped to read this post.
I am a returning player who choose a new server and a new faction.
I have played since Wrath and I have been horde the whole time.
So I choose Lightbringer and I started a new Alliance Pally.
I am looking for a good guild with weeknight raids (around 9pm EST would be the best). I would like to Heroic raid and do M+. I have raided back in Wrath, Cata, WoD, Legion, and the beginning of BFA.
So if anyone still reads the forums, I would love to hear from you.

There are a few guilds out there, The Watch raids your time request.

We raid with an alliance Wed, Sunday and Monday and have a fun raid night on Thursday.

Wed, Thurs and Monday all start 9 pm est till about 11 est. Sunday starts at 8 ESt and end at 10:30

We also just started a WoW Community, also named The Watch. If you want to check us out, look for and join that community and we’d be happy to invite you along for a raid or mythic.

Sure, I would love to find out more. Still trying to find a place that fits