Why not timewalking at level 70 and the option to change the world back to pre cataclysm?

Why haven’t we seen an option to scale everything up to level 70 and the option to flip the world back to pre cataclysm? There’s a few NPCs who already do this, like the girl in Blasted Lands and Tirisfal Glades.

Seems like it would be an obvious thing to have in the game so I’m curious if there is a reason it isn’t in there.


Because there is no pre-cata world on DF servers anymore. The code is gone. They would have to rebuild it entirely like they did for classic and then implement it.

Honestly, not worth doing to appease a small player base imo. Especially when classic servers are right over there. (I know, cata classic, but SoD and hardcore are still there.)

That npc just reverts it to cata. Cata overwrote vanilla. Vanilla gone, basically why vanilla classic became a thing.

Cata overwrote vanilla. Vanilla gone,

it wasnt cata , it was Deathwing , that huge dragon…

and here we are tons of years later , helping the “dragonflights” , kumbaya and all

I can think of at least 3.

  1. space.
    3.playerbase cannibilization.

probably this but also old content leveling is such a kind of footnote in the overall experience of modern WoW – for better or worse.

As much as I would like the old world as a Timewalking option, it probably won’t happen because of the inevitable endless screams when folks realize they can’t fly and Blizzard won’t fix it.

But up-to max level Timewalking should absolutely happen. They should unlock it half way through each expansion.

While I doubt they’d do this, I love this suggestion. Good ol’ Old Southshore.