Why not move all utility to the healer?

No, because a lot of people already don’t use their utility. And if that person is the healer well might as well just leave at that point.

Don’t put the burden all on one person when its a group effort. (yes that includes DPSing as the healer.)

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Early DF was insane with forum healers crying over needing to…heal in dungeons.

It was incredible.

the only thing I can think of is bringing proving grounds back (or a different version of it) as a requirement for dungeons. it’s not a consequence for bad preformance, but in theory it filters out players who aren’t capable of completing the content, so there wouldn’t need to be a consequence.

I didn’t play back then, but from what I can tell that wasn’t very well received back when that was a thing, so maybe that’s not a good solution, but it’s the least punishing one to healers that i can think of. this still punishes healers I guess, but I think once, is better than every time you run into a bad dps ever, so it’s less punishing. in theory anyway. lol

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Yes yes, I made a mistake.


I still luv u :dracthyr_heart:

Opinion is a dangerous thing to have in this day and age.

I’m not a smart man, Jenny.

Nah, your opinion is fine, m’dear. I just might cry if they implemented it. LOL

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now that I think about it, how would Preservation even work with reduced aoe? I literally can’t think of a single healing spell except Echo that isn’t aoe/cleave. lol

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Yeah, I would be fine with them reducing AOE healing as long as our big spot Heals were instacast… lol

I know a ton of healers will hate your idea (the “healers should only have to heal” crowd).
Personally though, as someone who 95% of the time heals in M+ and raids, I would love for the “healer” role to transition completely into a “support” role, where we are expected to mix healing and damage and utility at all times. It’s how I try to play anyway.

Good players of every role are already using their entire toolkits and not wasting any GCDs.

I play resto shaman, while I wouldn’t mind if some or even most of my damage was shifted to group buffs for the dps, it seems like it would be even more of a balance problem then the current healer dps place we are at.

What I would rather see is another support dps spec for a current class added. Maybe built on debuffs rather then group buffs would be good.

Yes, we are painfully aware.


Stop punishing healers/making them clean up avoidable damage because DPS wanna stand in & cheese mechanics. Put a damage reduction debuff on peeps who stand in junk. Healers can still top them off but the idea healers are there as a crutch is hugely annoying. Punish someone else for being dumb without making the death and blame fall on our shoulders.

Also, just add in percentage of healer damage feeds back some small amount of healing into group as a straight feedback like atonement; rather than make it a talent or spell ability like natures vigil. That way as we’re trying to contribute dps at critical times we’re not getting face stomped with one shots taking out our high performers without warning. Give us a heartbeat back to switch modes and top off others.


The correct change to fix the healing issue would be to nerf player defensives by 5%-10% (excluding tanks), give everyone a 15% HP buff. This helps reduce the chance of getting one shot because that is the real issue right now.

I dont know what healing problem we are trying to fix.


Problem is some groups take certain healers specifically for their utility while others get taken for their massive heals.

If all healers were to get a massive utility buff then the healers brought for utility would become useless shortening the healer stock.

maybe in 20+ keystones but even then, people do mechanics and you got plenty of time to heal and dps. Depends on if the group don’t tunnel vision and get hit with everything avoidable.

Paladin had the same problem when they removed the tank healer niche from them back in mid cata.

Ensured the hilarity of that massively overpowered AoE spell they had, Illuminated Healing Absorbs on everyone, etc.

So, they toned down the AoE heals and brought some of their single target snipe healing back to “fix” the issue more like bandaid.

I guess “healing problem” was the wrong way to phrase it. It’s a player defensive creep issue.

I wasn’t meaning what you said specifically. Just a more general “why is this thread even a thing”.

As far as defensive creep, that is sorta an uneven playing field. As a shaman with almost no defensives, I would feel your suggestions a ton more than some class/spec that is part of that player defensive creep.