If you’re looking for a no-pants option, those sweet mechagnomes are right around the corner.
That’s not true.
There’s at least 2 transmog sets for every covenant. One you get for free from renown, and one you buy for anima. That’s 8 right there. There are 2 additional ones you can get from the Venthyr, and the others have 1 or 2 more as well.
Plus the 5 sets from Warlords (already mentioned).
Transmog restrictions need to get loosened and that wreckless soulbind they’ve had on like every thing old thing that’s an enhancement. You have an item level restriction. Okay. Soulbound on usage. No.
yes please.
No reason not to. literally not harming anyone to do it.
but rest assured someone for no reason whatsoever wont want it, lol
This is where I am at atm. I have an army of alts. However I am burnt out on farming transmog and other items because of the horrible drop rates, the repeat loot, the tier tokens for wrong class, getting rings and trinkets etc…so many things stacked against you for just wanting all the transmog from the dungeons/raids.
And with a weekly lockout, the only way to truly have any chance to get them all is to have multiple toons, multiples of the same class even, or even extreme have 12 alliance and 12 horde (2 of every class) and STILL stuff wont drop on the toon you on when you need it.
I’ve ran my paladin through MC not got a single t1 piece, nothing. hop on rogue and every boss drops t1 paladin or class I still need stuff on. Thats RNG and how the system works…but does it have to be this way?
Its legacy old content. They only keep these old rules/systems in place because they know people will still grind it and still sub just to collect, and we complain about crappy luck but still do it anyways. I use the addon AllTheThings and I really want to be one of those collectors who collects everything and see that % rise every week.
Unfournately its just not feasible to farm to get all the stuff because of rng screwing you left and right. I already did the math, and because of how random loot is, there’s just no way. Even in say Molten Core, taking 9 toons through a week (1 of each class). each run takes 20 min, so 3 per hour. that’s 3 hours a week for 1 raid.
lets say you need average 5 items per class still left to get. 45 items. even if you got 1 item a week per toon, that’s 5 weeks minimum just for 1 raid…factor in how many raids there are.
I even have 5 accounts, I used to multibox, and surely that was far more efficient, I could take 5 toons in a raid at a time, so no matter what dropped I’d at least get something every run. But even that came to an end when blizz killed mirror software. now its just to tedious and time consuming to drag 4 toons through stuff, plus the cost of 4-5 subs. just to have them follow you and clicking loot etc.
It shouldn’t be this hard/long/frustrating to farm up old content. There should be a much faster and easier way to collect ALL the stuff if you want. Everything is stacked against players and has been for years.
There’s a few easy changes that would break this whole thing wide open. Just get rid of restrictions on transmog. If item drops, you learn it on account, period. Like diablo 3’s system. If that is to extreme, then make it so there’s a toggle (optional) setting when running legacy raids/dungeons where everything bosses drop is only for your class, filter out rings, etc and junk.
That way you can at least do runs and know you will get everything in due time, and can actually progress each day/week. Farming on 1 toon not getting the 1 item you still need, only to see it drop on your next 3 toons you run that cant use it, just ends in frustration.
They also should make tier tokens either boa or buyable with gold, then can just unlock multiple things quickly. They already have cata tier gear straight from vendor, they abandoned that idea long time ago. vendor in Stormwind sells it for gold.
Why not just let us buy the tokens directly and we can fill out rest of the tier sets. Half the time bosses don’t even drop a token, because get a double drop of something else, and whoops there goes that week’s attempt. or double token your class cant use.
Those are the 2 things if done, that would be immensely better for farming old content.
Either drop the dumb class restrictions/armor types or only drop your class can use. Please consider these changes. It shouldn’t be like this, needing so many characters just for transmog/item collecting from old raids