Why no pvp hardcore server?

I’d like to make a rogue for hardcore, gear him up, and spend my days camping raid entrances and rare spawns. Figure me, a few rogue friends, and nightelf priests could make raiding guilds have to pay us tribute to raid, by selling empty wallets for the gold cap on the neutral auction house. Those raid guilds do make a ton of gold.

Nobody wants to play HC just to get ganked out of nowhere. I think the decision to not have a pvp server is just, if not completely warranted. :wink:


How many ants did you burn with a magnifying glass as a kid?



Lol that sounds like a nightmare but I’d still give hardcore pvp a go. Seems like a good experiment. Maybe everyone that joins the realm has to agree to more so nobody can complain when they get slain.

Sounds cool on paper but would be nightmare. I don’t want to get ganked by some streamer raid or person will way more time than I do.

you just answered your own question, lol…

It actually doesn’t work as well as you might think.

you think ya do but ya don’t :expressionless: