Why no more midriff gear

What if you’re turned on by fruit tho?

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So are we pretending that these don’t exist/happened in the past year/are happening?

Not even an all-encompassing list.

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said a handful of newer ones
shows said handful

lol, lmao even

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I hate it to be honest. There’s so many cool pieces of gear I’ve seen, and then I put it on my character and HALF the piece disappears to show my stomach and it just looks ridiculous. I would prefer at the least that they give us an option to cover midriff if they want to add it.

Ah, it was a case of the OP contradicting their thread title by the second sentence, I see.

Because people went on the forums to complain that the gear has too many revealing options. I straight up remember this happening a while ago and I’m sure you can still find the threads.
Basically the answer to any “why isn’t this fun thing in the game anymore” is: someone got upsetti spaghetti and ruined it for everyone.


yeah someones 8 year old son saw someone in a bikini so now all women are fruit

serves those women right!


When people are so progessive they loop back around to being conservatives

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Don’t ask questions where you know the answer is “FRUIT BOWLS”.

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Because the bellybutton is evil.

Evil I tell you!

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Might just be me, but i feel like it has to do with those accusations Blizzard had faced awhile back. It seems to me they try to play it safe and are a bit strict when it comes to showing more skin on females. I’ve been noticing this trend ever since through the update of NPC outfits and models, newly released mogs, etc.

Although it could also have to do with the change in the art direction this game has had compared to the past.


the belly button is a forbidden fruit that corrupts the youth.


I accept my villainy /FLEX

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i can totally see that affecting it. i was also going to say players (who are mostly milleneials) who moan and groan about it being sexist ot whatever but i can see the accusations being the main cause. they took out some /flirts /silly emotes as a result so yeah

They changed those portraits in an attempt to rectify their “frat boy” company mentality during their numerous legal issues over the past 2-3 years. Moreso the devs were trying to frame public opinion rather than listening to their players.


As long as it’s only mog gear. Don’t want a bunch of important gear to show off my belly, sorry. Not my style.

They removed the /spit command too! Iirc that occured around the same time Mcree was changed in overwatch xd

It’s so stupid… they only make themselves look idiotic and guilty about not having really changed by overcompensating by screwing with fun, but harmless stupid things like this…

Crop tops for female models only = yes that’s sexist, assuming that someone only wants to show off skin because it’s a female model.

Crop tops for men too = no prob, do it cowards.

This is ridiculous… you can argue they are cowards either way. Stop telling blizz to force me into a crop top if I don’t want to mog my raid gear.