Why No Italians?

So as I’m in the middle of jeopardizing every friendship I’ve with an Englander by kicking them while they’re down over an entirely misplaced sense of pride (and misguided sense of vengeance for my Irish cousins), the thought occurred to me, why the lack of Italian influence in WoW races?

More broadly speaking I think the only Greco-Roman inspiration I saw was in ancient Dwarven pottery. Which only further confuses things because they’re based on Tolkien’s interesting interpretation of Semitic tropes, glazed over with Scottish and German vibes.

WoW already has fascism and pizza but what no Rome? No Renaissance? I mean I guess every race has a tendency to gesticulate with their /emotes so that’s a non starter.

But as Azeroth is full of hitherto unmentioned islands seems they could include a more Mediterranean themed experience.

I don’t know about you but after BFA and SL some fluffy nonsense where we hang out on a nice beach and shoot the ish about paintings and statues sound fun. Plus a proper Coliseum styled arena map would be fun.

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Isn’t that what the Gorian empire of WoD was supposed to imitate? I thought they were the Roman analogue.


Well Bastion leans heavily on the Greek side of things on many fronts, especially the naming of NPCs. And some of the Kyrian look like they have Cesar hair cuts.


There was a big part of me that wanted Kul Tiras to be basically Italy and Boralus to be basically Venice (because in my ignorance that’s the only part of Italy I’m even slightly familiar with).

It was very disappointing to me that it ended up mostly just being generic medieval fantasy, in drab grey and green, and a lot more shabby and ramshackle than I thought was appropriate for the capital city.


the titans have litteraly the entire latin culture of rome-greece connection for them. Partly the ancient Kaldorei Empire too.

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Nobody cares about then though. Also the Greco-Romans as architects of all civilization is a uh, loaded notion to say the least.


Actually, you prompted me to go check the score by reading this thread.

I bet the English are gutted about now.

They are and my attitude is;

Especially after they ish talked my people at length. I get I identify as American because I only know the metric system in relation to narcotic and bullet measurement but it’s not like I’ve no connection to the old country.

Side note; Anyone else having trouble with the forums? Maybe it’s because I’m penning multiple responses in different threads because this is apparently how I spend my Sundays. But I’m having whole drafted responses colliding right now.

I think you got your threads crossed, unless you feel Tyrande and Anduin are boring because they lack-a the meatball in their lives. :ok_hand:

Addressed that. I had like two drafts slam into eachother. Maybe I’m just responding to too many topics at once.

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Yeah people talk about how much they like Boralus but it was too grimy and “rough” for me. I get there are people that aesthetic appeals to, but I’m not one of them. Something like Venice would have been a lot cooler.

I wouldn’t call it generic medieval though, it was more like age of piracy England.

Yeah their idea was Rome in its twilight years, pretty sure some dev blog said that during WoD prerelease.

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Imagine a kul’tiras in italy rennesaince style?

Boralus ala florenc and other places.^^

Does “vendetta” not count?

At least we’d know their girth was from pasta and not beans on toast.

Seriously all raised Kul Tirans are rescues. The Forsaken liberated them from British styled cuisine. Say whatever you will against the Forsaken but they’ve not visited that upon Azeroth yet.

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Personally referece. I was in both cities and venecia and the laguna smelled not good!^^


Red coats bad.

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It’s not reflected in the architecture but the Kul-Tirans seem to have some influences from Italian in particlar Venetian culture. The bodyforms look more Italian than anything else.

I don’t think I’ve encountered them. The leveling revamp kicked in when my Shaman was about level 60 or so, that being the last class I was leveling and at the time I’d been only questing on him to see the storylines in Cata content I hadn’t seen yet.

Moved him to WoD and I garnered a new appreciation for it. The greatest tragedy of this game is that its actually quite good. That assault on Frostfire was actually some edge of your seat stuff. Rare for a MMO to toss you legitimately challenging single player content.

The kicker is the game actually rips you out of the story via tekeport the second you hit 60. That was a shame because I intended to at least finish the plot thread at the jungle Horde outpost I was in at the time.

I think they feature the “most” in Nagrand, although even then, it’s mainly the Highmaul raid.

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