Why no Broken Allied Race?

Strong disagree. No classes unique from the standard race, zero leather-wearing classes, somehow failed to include rogues despite 10,000 years of guerrilla warfare and subterfuge tactic experience, and are completely indistinguishable from the standard model when fully armored.

I feel like Broken would’ve come with either rogues or warlocks, at least.

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https://www.google.com/search?q=wow+female+broken&sxsrf=ALeKk03HMDUQnHjak6PRaYerEBqNEBs6NA:1587349780828&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO9cfe-vXoAhVXgnIEHS2HDMYQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=bHVr7WA_DXZr0M would you even play it?

And Broken are draenei with ugly faces and weird skin.

Racials? maybe sure, but that’s meaningless. Racials for LFD were bad not because LFD could only be bad, they were bad because blizz had little imagination in their racial design at the time.

Not really, once again. Racials themselves aren’t completely inherent to the race from the very concept. It’s about what mechanics blizz wants to put. They could’ve made LFD with far better racials if they wanted to really, just like how humans, the most basic race had super strong racials for years.

Lorewise the army was fighting on the legion planets as well, they are definitely a bigger thing.

Almost, Humans were still more popular until DHs were released and the Alliance population started dying out.

You think you could distinguish a broken when fully armored? in reality they just have different faces. They weren’t going to remake the old tauren-model broken instead they would use the new broken that uses the same draenei skeleton.
Rogues yeah, Warlocks? not really they hate the felt as much as Draenei do.

What do you mean they’re all broken :grin:

Full on Mechanical Gnomes are not going to happen .

They lack the one thing all other playable races have. The human aspect.

Hey us Hordies embrace the ugly

People generally want their allied races to be working and functional, not broken.

This is the reason. This is the reason we have the sexual dimorphism. This is why everyone picks the same female troll face.

When it comes to male characters, “cool” is a strong appealing factor. When it comes to females, “sexy” is a strong appealing factor. Someone’s going to argue opposite this, like MMO’s across the genre aren’t proof enough people gravitate to what they want to be or what they want to sleep with, or if neither, some personal, niche interest that is a huge gamble for a developer to bank on. Blizzard can see the player counts for Gnomes, yet they still went through with Mechagnomes. Clearly it was worth the risk.

But broken? Doubt it. They had the chance to put them in instead of Lightforged Draenei. They went with LFD.

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I can already hear the complaints if Broken were introduced:

“WTF, you gave Alliance ugly shriveled Draenei??”

DI Dwarves are beautiful. However all Dwarves are beautiful.


I could actually see them being Rogues. It would fit with what they were doing for that time.

Still not sold on Warlocks though. Maybe through Illidan. MAYBE. He kind of hated Gul’dan, so maybe not.

I feel like they’re a lot like regular dwarves or regular female trolls, in that they have 1, maybe 2 nice faces and hairstyles, then the rest is pretty underwhelming, if not outright ugly.

They look really nice with the “good” options though.

My guess is that was a heavy bet:

“They don’t play Gnomes much, but if we give them Gnomes that are half mechanical… maybe then?”

“Bob, you’re a genius, do it.”

6 months later

“Hey boss… I don’t think it worked. People are complaining more about these Gnomes than the original ones”

“Call security. I want Bob out IMMEDIATELY.”

Poor Bob. Guy can’t catch a break.

I was hoping they’d be a customastion skin for Draenei in shadowlands…

But once again my hope and dreams are crushed…

I don’t think they even considered that option. They didn’t even bother to make a female version from what I could tell.

When I comes down to Blizzard I don’t think they consider anything about the consumers interests are… which is sad…

Well considering what has happened with Mechas, I don’t think Blizz wanted to roll those dice a second time.

Broken would have a limited appeal. Probably more that LFD, but still limited.

That’s why I feel like just an added customisation to regular Draenei is easy and safe!.. but who knows I’m not a game developer so maybe a lot harder then I think. Just I like the broken.

Because the Alliance isn’t a hive-mind? The most popular races on both sides are the pretty ones. That doesn’t mean adding less attractive races doesn’t matter.

I think that has more to do with people wanting to play a Tolkien Elf than them wanting to look good. The Alliance already has Humans, Night Elves, and Void Elves.

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Just for the record, I play a Draenei because I felt it best fit the class I wanted to play. Being pretty while doing it was just a bonus.
