Why new Void Elf customization does not have normal hair colors?

I’d like to play an ethereal. It’s not even an issue that they could only have like 2 customization options! I’m still hoping!

There aren’t any more elves. Just more customization options for the existing elves.

While they’re add it they should add more stuff for Druids too or update the models, a lot of the models of say Zandalari trolls druid forms are more detailed then say the Tauren Moonkin. I just feel bad for druids, but atleast theres some more customization to forms now.

They have to know people are going to request regular hair styles if they don’t get them. They need to deliver the proper aesthetics otherwise the requests for High Elves are never going to stop. I think they know that or at least I hope they do. Might as well go the full way now and end the issue.


I think people need to be thankful their even getting the skins and give it a rest instead of. …we want the hair too and paladins and turn off EE. Your lucky to get what’s coming stop trying to turn Velves into helves.

Personally I think blue eyes for Belves was real and not NPC but then they heard the screeching wails all the way in CA and said crap now what? How do we shut them up without giving them high elves?
Hmmm well how about a couple eye colors and some nelf skins. We dont want to give it all but it will be good enough.


I’m very grateful for the new options coming.

I also do want more hair colors and styles though they don’t necessarily have to be from Blood Elves. These Human styles/colors would be sufficient for me:

I also want Darkfallen options for my Blood Elves so I can RP as San’layn or Dark Rangers.

I believe that asking for what I want is a better use of my time than asking for others not to get what they want. I also don’t think that getting one thing I want automatically precludes me from asking for any other things I want.


Yeah really limited choices OP, nothing confirmed for hair colors… only skin tones and eye colors. Core races is where the most focus is. I’m assuming they did this 'cause it was simple for them and it would award them brownie points with some people that wanted (like me) normal alleria looking void elves.

That’s right go back to the Alliance, mall girls have no place in the Horde.

One of the preview pictures show a Void Elf with the new black hair Blood Elves are getting, so it’s safe to assume normal hair colors will be available unless Blizzard says otherwise.


(Humor): Void Elves have lore?

(Commentary): I think what people like most about Void Elves is their potential. The Void as a cosmic power has only ever been an antagonistic force. Void Elves offer a different perspective, and an opportunity to delve into the various avenues of power the void offers. Or at least, in theory this is the case. BFA, the first expansion to properly feature the Void Elves, failed to capitalize on every avenue to explore the Void with them.

(Supposition): Right now I can safely say, they should have just gone with High Elves instead of Void Elves back at the end of Legion. We could’ve seen Void Elves as Alleria’s handpicked elite few throughout BFA, and then gotten them as extra High Elf customization options. The game would be infinitely better for it.


They’ll probably get them. This whole thing was clearly a last minute decision and it’s much easier to add the skins to Void Elves because they have the same body essentially. Void Elves have different hair styles than Blood Elves so I’d guess they actually have to create new blonde, brown, ect hair textures for them and that takes a bit more time. Not to mention they probably need to decide what they want to do with the tentacles.


It doesn’t say they aren’t getting the options either.

You’ve always been very spiteful toward the high elf crowd. You don’t like others getting your toys.


I understand why you are mad. But it’s silly now. Back in 2018 Jeremy said high elf options for Void elves could happen in the future (which is now). It’s better to accept that. And it’s not like blood elves are gonna be removed from the Horde. Nothing is gonna be changed. These are just more customization options. If we go by the lore than blood elves shouldn’t have their blue eyes back because blue eyes are for the Alliance high elves only not horde blood elves but here we are! Move on and accept.


I wouldnt be as annoyed by the continuous additions to void elves…if Blizzard actually put forth effort to fix up the lesser played ARs than the most popular one.

Another part of me wants to also say: “whats the d*mn point of the void elf separation if Blizzard is giving them options to just be back to its original material?” Its like giving the nightborne customization to look as close to a playable Night elf as possible in terms of customization.


Allright can people just stop?

Allied races arn’t even suposed to be getting any new customisations yet, the fact void elves are getting new skin tones atall is a huge bonus to you guys. You probably will get new hair colours etc later too, but can you just wait your damn turn?

Several core races have almost nothing revealed yet, what makes you think an allied race like void elves deserve priority over the likes of Draenei who have almost nothing new revealed yet?

Just chillax and wait your turn!


On top of this, why is void elves the deemed allied race to get new customization? What about the lesser popular ones that have customization issues?


Hey I’m here waiting for the Night elf customization options. But I’m not killing myself because I haven’t seen them. I know they’ll be added. Sometimes you need to wait.


I mean that one is obviously just because they share the same model as us blood elves so transfering the skin toens takes almsot no effort atall, and blizz wanted to tease it.


Still: we go from “no allied race customization in 9.0” to “void elf customization” Lets just make the most popular allied race more popular.

It would be like Blizzard announcing “no Horde AR customization” then surprising everyone with Vulpera customization and nothing else.

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(Commentary): But Nightborne started with that. Purple skin, white hair…