Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Paladin players fighting for the crown of being the most insufferable people to forum post.

Warriors are going to have to pump those numbers up they are coming for you.


Oh, take me now. I’m ready to receive you.


Counters exist. Im sure warriors and rogues feel the same way when they fight us. This is Classic WoW. If you don’t like that sort of rock/paper/scissors balance, you ought to play Dragonflight.


Your shield has a 30 yard range. And how are you letting yourself get hit by sunfire 11-16 times! lmao. You’re joking right? You HAVE to be running away and not fighting.

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Quite the keeper huh?

Final Fantasy player RP’ing as a Paladin mad when Blizzard announces Avengers Shield tuned to work properly. :smile:

You realize by the time a druid even gets hit by AS now they can shift off the slow and keep running, right? There is no catching them or running away.

What are you talking about? I can shield them but they will just shift out of it now and if you think thats enough to close the gap you dont know what youre talking about. Doesnt matter if im running to them or running away they will stay at the max 30 yards to abuse sunfire.

Yes, he was complaining about this WAY before the bug fix. On multiple threads.

Deathcoil and scatter and trap prevent all actions. Aka hard cc.
Not the same as s snare.

You kinda did.

Then… dont roll a Paladin then? This is how paladins are designed in classic. We have mastery over rogues and warriors as a tradeoff, and the best group support in the game.

Sad, trolls tried to mass report the post because they are afraid sunfire could get nerfed because it is indeed broken. Didnt notice until now but it just got restored.

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This is the life of a paladin. You group up with a warrior and keep him cleaned and freedomed while he smashes the druid. We are a support class, and the best one at that.

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Oh, I did? Show me then.

The whole idea of the runes was giving paladins the ability to tank and dps. Weare not a support class in SoD. Take that outdated 2004 excuse back to 2004.

You absolutely invited it, don’t be upset about truth

You still are a support class. You misunderstood. And frankly being a support class is the best thing about Paladins.

You’re a class that is lackluster 1v1 but really wake up in group fights when you can use your actual toolkit to support teammates. A paladin on its own is not a threat, never was. A paladin in a group is the pillar of the group, the MVP, the glue! This is what makes Paladins so awesome and why it’ll always be my favorite class.

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Glad the bug was fixed


Who asked you? Definitely wasn’t me.