Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

You are such a a hypocrite it’s not even funny

If Paladins have something even a little good, you cry nerfs and complain that it has no counters even though it did because it could be dispelled.

But then you do a complete about face and spout this stupid drivel of “why are you expecting balance in classic” and “things have counters” so it’s okay for Paladins to be countered by 6 out of 8 classes but if Paladin has a counter to being able to infinitely run away from them it’s suddenly game breaking.

Shuuut uuup with you awful hypocritical takes

This thread is just a circle of people pointing and laughing at the Paladin who just dropped their McDonald’s order.

Holy Boys waaaay down.

Paladin players are a “type” of person. Something about this class draws that type of person to it. Immaturity, selfishness, idiocy. Its actually ironic that those types of people are drawn to the righteous, selfless, defender of the weak theme. I guess we want what we don’t have in life.

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I just told a buddy in discord something very similar lol. The class defiantly has a “type”

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bruh imagine thinking classic PVP isnt team-based. Last I checked, they aren’t used in 1v1 tournaments.

you’re the type of person that cries about warriors in pvp being busted but doesnt acknowledge that they have support from a pocket priest.

Properly lol.


Not my point but ok, druids in cat form spamming sunfire until you die at 30 yards range with no risk is more broken than a bugged version of avengers shield.

So, it was broken.


Mega dumb take, I play just about everything in games. I like Paladins thematically but I’ve done it all. In WoW in the past I mostly played Rogue, Warrior, DK, and Mage. In FFXIV I played literally everything but my favorite in the end was Black Mage, though I did main all the tanks (Paladin, Warrior, then Dark Knight when that came out, and finally Gunbreaker) for quite a while. I healed from time to time in that game too. I Black Desert I’ve played almost everything as well, but my favorites were Dark Knight, Sorceress, another was a variant of one class called Nova that uses a rapier, and the last was Drakania which is like a dragon knight.

I also played a lot of other MMOs and played various classes in them too but I picked the most significant ones to me so your strawman stereotype is really dumb.

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Don’t care, you’re still bad and I will still make fun of you.

Bug fixed = rets coping and seething.


Nah the fix to Avenger’s Shield was warranted. Functions the same way it does in retail. Actually if we’re being honest depending on what iteration of AS this is supposed to be it used to come front loaded with a silence for each target hit.

Would still beat you and anyone else who actually cried about this ability

You call yourself a Paladin with that calm and reasonable take?

Give me your badge and your hammer, you’re off the force.

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I’ll kite you into oblivion now :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight!

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Sure, whatever. I could beat you on your own class too if need be.

Paladin tears are delicious.


Yes you do. And you’re projecting. HARD. Guessing you’re the bad one if you’re that dependent on a broken spell.

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I’ve never seen someone cry so hard about a clear bug being fixed :joy::joy::joy:

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