Why nerf my secret flag tapping !?!?!

18-20 years i have used this trick…

now i go to use my secret flag tapping trick… and its nerfed to nonsense.

no one else was using my trick. no one!!!

revert the nerf. this is nonsense!!!

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What are you talking about?

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He sits in these forums pretending to be some hidden master guru of Rogue while making sure his posts drip with condescension and manufactured feelings of superiority.

Basically just a weird varietal of troll.


used to have a trick to tap flag with a tricky little bomb and stay stealthed… gave me about 20 seconds extra to stall a flag cap. no longer works. its a secret item, but i guess they dont find it balanced anymore.

illaandra is just a hater who knows nothing about wow or who i am.

yes me troll… main lore saifu, also NPC scenario in wow. welcome to the internets kid

This would be what I was referring to:

someone doesnt understand why anduins appearance totally changed after 20 years…

Is that guild the one from Proudmoore?

naah archimonde. server died aftter peak wow because it was so competitve and people transferred out.

maybe it was proudmore… our servers joined to others. ive been in so many guilds.