Maybe the AtlasLoot addon confused me , it says Rare gear coming at phase 6 lol
The average player who enjoys pvp will make rank 10 easily. Its the higher ranks that require a crazy time commitment.
“The average player who is trying to reach rank 10” is not “the average player”.
If you expect to be competitive in pvp without doing pve in classic you made a big mistake
I cannot wait for the endless forum threads complaining about how the honor system is unfair, how the pvp grind is unfair, how classes aren’t balanced OMG Blizzard wth y u r doing this to meeee!!
And wait until the Scepter of the Shifting Sands grind starts up!
go play retail. come back when bg’s open. problem solved!
This game isn’t OG launch, how long will it take you people to realize it’s patch 1.12, with a lot of the 1.12 stuff added in. This is such a garbage excuse.
Giving PVE people months to gear up before pvp’rs can’t even access a battleground.
I need that Rank 10 loot for Spriest
A lot of pvp’rs have NO desire to raid every tuesday/wed
I love these posts where one angry kid tries to throw around fake news like “EVERYONE” or “A LOT”… lol.
As if Blizzard doesn’t have access to, and have teams of people studying, the actual empirical data and metrics of the game.
It’s like they think it works like this.
- Bean counter gets up and goes to work
- Bean counter logs into forums and highlights whiny posts to determine how to direct the R&D and what to focus on
How long will it take you to read what Blizzard said about the phases?
That “garbage excuse” is also why we don’t have all content in the game yet. Did we launch with Naxx open? No. You don’t get to have it both ways. If all PVE content isn’t open at launch, then why would the battlegrounds?
Blue set is coming in phase 6 , in phase 2 we will get only the high rank gear ( epic rank 12,13,14 gear )
This is incorrect. All 1.12 PvP gear will be available in Phase 2. Alterac Valley and WSG (and associated reputation gear) will be available in Phase 3. Arathi Basin (and associated rep gear) will be available in Phase 4.
It’s not like they were keeping this all a big secret.
Honestly, you folks are just making yourselves look like fools with these kinds of posts.