WHY? Look at the Blizz store

Why won’t my damn meat wagon fly!

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Of all the things to whine about… It looks great on the ground, it actually looks worse flying. It makes a PERFECT ground mount.

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Literally different zones.

No matter how you try and rationalize it these zones have mobs of BFA level, drop BFA gear, BFA mounts, BFA toys, BFA content, and can’t be accessed unless you have BFA.


There aren’t any expansion-specific mounts, merely mounts released during an expansion… please tell us your logic on how a mount is specific for a expansion and requires Blizzard to give anybody who buys it instant flying in that expansion?

Im pointing out the lack of flying which is my complaint i could care less about a mount… It just seems like a funny addition to the game… At this time…

Everytime they add something to the store front pet/mount people complain its the wrong time and the game is failing and its just a money grab. Literally everytime.


:open_mouth: there isnt hmmm didn’t the TLP come out during wrath and the Anorax mount come out in cata or maybe the skyterror that came out in dranor… come on man get with it…

Think he meant mounts locked to a specific expac meaning only could be used there which there are none.

The White Knights come in force to tell me blizz can do nothing wrong…

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Nice, this almost makes up for the last year I’ve failed to get the fox mount.


I see… /10char

I am stuck at work, quick some one link me the mount!

Edit: Oh and imo its one of better looking store mounts too.


I just bought it and I love it :smiley:


I am throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening…


Ahh just throw it at me instead, whats your credit card number and cvv :smiling_imp:

Flying is one of its functions. It is fine as a ground mount (similar to the flightless fox mount). But it will fly when we get flying.

Look, I get it. You want another reason to belittle Blizzard and their choices. This is one of those times it’s unnecessary. Most of the later mounts released on the store have flight capability specifically because no one will want to spend $25 on a mount that’s ground only.

If you purchase it now and it’s a ground mount only, but people who purchase it after 8.2 get its flying capability, you would have a foot to stand on. However, it’s a solid ground mount with flight for the future in BfA. There is no reason to complain.


Because they hate us obviously. What a bunch of trolls they are.

Oh waiter, I’ll take two please…

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Um… that is a true statement.

And almost every zone prior.