WHY? Look at the Blizz store

So you are making a red herring argument. Great logic skills. You’re clever.


-50 DKP
Seriously, how many times do I have to say this?

Also, I bought a boat that doesn’t float.

End of line.

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Classic zones, BfA content.

:rofl: You’re doing it wrong. Hamster I love having you on the forums. :heart:

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That’s why its good to downvote the video! There sales are low so its an attempt at a cash grab from players before the holidays. Best to keep downvoting blizz videos on youtube.

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Activision lost 40% of its stock value. Thats why . Expect more cash garb incentives as well

“The fox that won’t trick you” :fox_face:

That’s what it says on the new mount’s page in the shop.

That’s a little ironic given that you can’t fly with it in the new BfA zones, but then again, it isn’t the fox mount itself that is causing that issue.

Anyway, I’ve gotten run and get a couple of tokens to add to my battle.net balance…for uhhh…reasons that are totally unrelated to that new mount.

/moo :cow:

The NEw CFO of Blizzard is from Activision , she is the one doing the cost cutting, pay cuts, and slashing budgets . Blizzard is in trouble because Activision is sinking them

Thank you for reminding me to go like the video.


eh, i still bought it


Because there’s flying in the other zones? Flying is also coming for BfA.

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Why you got to do this to me Blizzard?

Between the Overpriced Frog mounts , Blizzcon , dreadwake , and Meat wagon i have burned all of my gold and can’t afford this ahhhh!

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Now that I think about it I am extremely outraged. Where is the flying fox battle pet to go with it?!?!


Shadow fox battle pet on the mage disc toy!


2.6k downvotes to 909 upvotes. :rofl:

I too think its funny Vera. How ridiculous does someone have to be to hate Blizzard enough to down vote a video about a shop mount?

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Wonder if it tastes like Dog meat?

Well as previous blizzcon has shown, diablo immortal is a prime example. Not to mention some of the garbage story in bfa. Did you happen to see the tides of vengence survial guide dislikes? 5.2k upvotes to 17k downvotes. Quite a few players are sick of this crap by blizz. Not surprising to offer a flying mount when you can’t fly in BFA yet.

Don’t you people grouse abut this every…



There will be flying eventually in the current content, and there’s flying in the 14+ years of previous content that you and your alts can use the new flying mount in.

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Activision has no direct input into Blizzard’s management like you suggest. This has been stated many…many many…times.

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