LGASDFASDFASDF is such a small portion of the planet, they seem to be rather equally represented in WoW as you rarely see them in game as you rarely see them IRL. Seems to be working as intended. Plus there could be tons of them around they just arent being shoehorned into the plot or your face. Youre the prejudiced one wanting LGTBJAJSDF people to be stereotypes instead of people.
It’s part of the “get em while they’re young and impressionable”
Instead of letting these kids grow up without agendas forced on them and letting them as a free thinking adult decide for themselves.
ya its the “get em while their young” part that concerns me.
thud…that sa resoounding NO… stop trying to change teh game … its not needed in this game and never was so stop trying to push this on to other players… if blizzard did a poll im pretty sure the overwhelimg majority would say no to this… and its not cause no one accepts you or anything… its jsut not needed in a game that isnt even about any of that… getting tired of this crap.
As a member of the LGBT community myself… I am tired of all the demands for greater representation… it’s not that I don’t think we should have more representation, but rather that we should have proper genuine representation. Demanding representation will only ever result in representation for the sake of representation… and such representation will always either be shoehorned or stereotyped. A clearly straight character being written to suddenly be gay for the sake of representation is infinitely worse than just skipping the representation all together. Similarly a character who is written from a stereotyped characature of the group you wish to represent will do nothing but harm to the image of that community.
It’s why I’m always telling my nephew.
Don’t let another person make your choices for you. You decide and choose. Dont let someone try and force their way of thinking on you.
How about NO Bubbleblast. and I will tell you why again. There is more important issues to deal with beside i need to be represented. What do you want your character to do that would make it stand out? Ride a sparkle dust pony all the time to show your special?
The alphabet gang better realize all you are doing is setting up a slow burning fire under your own feet. People are pushing back not cause they are homophobic but fed up of you demanding all the time. And some of us that are also LGBT are fed up as well me being one of them all you have done is made our lives a mess and you still do not see the damage you are causing and creating. I am all for representation NOT this forced stuff you are all demanding .
JUST STOP acting entitled if you don’t like the game then do not play but stop demanding characters sexuality be changed. Get the RP add on and add your stuff there and leave the rest of us out of this.
Thank you!
Buddy if you think letting kids know different people exist is suggesting something
That’s entirely in you cuz you’re making those connections
Technically you can do this for $25 USD.
Well there ya go problem solved!
Yea it’s not like that around the world. It’s a nice start here though. If you see some of the anti-lgbtq campaigns and propaganda around the world it is very disheartening. I am glad people aren’t caring enough to be abusive in some parts of the world, but their is still progress that needs to be made. As their are absolutely horrible places to be lgbt in the world still.
Or for $77.94 you can get it along with 6 months of wow game time
It is? There was this whole article about how horrible it was and the name was changing, weird like 6 months ago.
Maybe they changed their mind
If I even bother buying that mog it’s going to be regulated strictly for my female blood elves or my one female void elf and lone female night elf.
I’ve seen it on other races and it and it looks silly
100% THIS
If i could like your post more i would.
Everytime one of these threads comes up, all it is doing is forcing more divsion, something we have fought hard against!
Representation is a good thing, i love what they have done so far, but demanding and trying to force it is only going destroy goodwill, confirm bias of those who already have a dislike, and 9 times out of ten give us some kind of stereotype.
I’ve said it dozens of times now, LET BLIZZARD BE!
Let them slip in someone here or there as they want, let the representation be organic, trying to force it, demanding things like a LGBTQ ‘space’ or Covenant, or turning a hetro char into a homosexal one is only going to make more fissures, and kill progress that has been made.
i understand some countries are crae crae.
it’s why calls for stuff in a video game and people name calling others based on opinion is a bit crazy on these forums - when a real activist would be more worried about the IRL issues at hand (i call this the liberal 2-step).
anyway, i’m a centrist, both sides can be very illogical and unintelligent at times
it’s why i poke at people who claim to promote equality whilst also berating those with opposing views.
There are some issues with normalizing the T part in younger kids with identity issues, especially with the drugs involved and the pressures on parents to not be “bigoted”
To be fair, ppl can RP what ever personal story they want. No one is stopping you, the ball is in your court.
Invite who you wish to your garrison and go nuts! Do whatever you want.
I’m not sure what else you want to represent yourself with. A sign over your head, a T-shirt. A special title.
But literally no one is stopping you from playing your pixelated person how ever you wish.
If i could like your post more i would.
Everytime one of these threads comes up, all it is doing is forcing more divsion, something we have fought hard against!
Representation is a good thing, i love what they have done so far, but demanding and trying to force it is only going destroy goodwill, confirm bias of those who already have a dislike, and 9 times out of ten give us some kind of stereotype.
I’ve said it dozens of times now, LET BLIZZARD BE!
Let them slip in someone here or there as they want, let the representation be organic, trying to force it, demanding things like a LGBTQ ‘space’ or Covenant, or turning a hetro char into a homosexal one is only going to make more fissures, and kill progress that has been made.
This 1000%