Why isn't there more conflict on the Alliance?

Because a lot of Alliance players don’t want conflict on the Alliance. I mean, I do, because it’d be more interesting. But a lot seem to not want it.


Do you realize that she saved the world with that army?
well,i guess that you are RPing.

A lot of Horde players not wanting (another) conflict in the Horde didn’t stop them from writing it.


What Gods? If you’re going to make some super creepy RP post at least get your lore right? Unless you’re counting the titans, the Humans of the world worship “The Light” which is a force of power and energy. Unless you’re the type to worship the “Old Gods”, then I’m unsure as to how to respond.

For the most part, the various Alliance nations have very similar overall outlooks and compatible notions of what is right and wrong, honorable and dishonorable, just and unjust, valuable and not valuable. While there are strong cultural differences, matters where the moral compass of the people is concerned are much more similar than different.

This is not the case with the Horde.

The Orcs, Trolls and Tauren share very similar values, but there are much stronger differences between their view and the views more commonly held by the Nightborne/Blood Elves, and then again with the Forsaken.

The Horde is truly an alliance of convenience, whereas most of the nations of the Alliance were already engaged in peaceful trade and cooperation long before the Orcs invaded Azeroth - even if they did occasionally get into territorial disputes.

It’s natural that you would have more internal conflict in the Horde relative to the amount of internal conflict you see in the Alliance given the nature of the two organizations and their respective member states.

This is largely true, but it’s important to point out how violently Blizzard has twisted things to make this the case.

When Vanilla WoW launched, the Dwarves were violent imperialists. Their presence in Kalimdor is defined, on every level, by their willingness to destroy Tauren lives and take Tauren Property in the pursuit of Titan relics. Even their presence in Alterac Valley was framed in imperialistic terms.

This element of the Dwarves has been completely dropped.

In Warcraft 3, the Draenei were a very primitive race of shamans and assassins. They were willing to do whatever it took to slaughter their Orc and Demon oppressors, and happily allied with Illidan and his forces.

In WoW, the Draenei are advanced, painfully altrustic noble souls who happen to share the humans’ religion, aside from minor details.

There’s a pattern here.

Gilneans? Used to be violent isolationists who advocated for the total genocide of the Orcs. Now they’re happy werewolves who love the alliance and only fight the Horde because big bad Sylvanas made them do it.

Worgen? Used to be savage, unpredictable beasts. Now they’re… well, see above. We haven’t seen even one Worgen in-game actual struggle with their supposed “savagery.”

So yes, the Alliance races are all in happy agreement about almost everything. But that agreement has been forced into place through a series of radical re-characterizations and outright retcons.


Because the Alliance is run by a likeable gent with a meal plan and a training diary and the other faction leader turns into a ghost and screams alot.

Where do you see these players? Conflict is fine, we just don’t want it the way the Horde is written.

Here when there’s talk about more internal Alliance conflict or aggression, seems like. Zerde is usually one.

I mean, I don’t necessarily disagree.

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Zerde is one of the few Alliance posters who seems satisfied with the current writing of the faction.

'Cuz they’re led by the golden child who is the pillar of goodness with magic bones that tell him whenever he’s about to do something naughty. If he makes a mistake, then the narrative will just pat him on the head and say “It’s okay, it’s the thought that counts.”

Everyone will just smile and nod and say how he’s a good boy.


I’m sure the people of Stormwind will be all kinds of forgiving to their golden child king if they ever learn he deliberately left the cell door open for Saurfang to escape. He might have a better sense of honor in his old age, but he still took part in the 1st War sacking of Stormwind.

I’m sure, somehow, they’ll be perfectly understanding. Either that or they’ll be branded as bad guys no longer part of the Alliance. The new Defias I suppose. /shrug

Don’t forget how varian literally drank a potion to remove his character flaws.

That’s not character development, that’s just lazy.


Was it at least like Paul Atreides drinking the Water of Life type of event where he would die a horrible death if he fails or was it simply like “quaf a health potion, hey cool I no longer angry at everything”?

He drinks out of a magic pond, and feels his rage go away. Varain has nothing on Maud’dib, to be fair.

Few do. kek for 10 characters