Why isn't there more conflict on the Alliance?

Only Xe’ra and the Lightbound are anti-Void it seems. The Lightforged have had their eyes opened(especially after the Warfront encounter with Liadrin) unlike the Lightbound who are Zealots.

The Lightbound will eventually appear and make themselves an obvious threat to the Alliance due to the Alliance’s use of Void Elves. The Lightforged considering their willingness to fight the Blood Knights will have no objections to fighting the Lightbound alongside the Void Elves.

Of course the sight of the Lightforged defying both her and the Lightbound might serve to enrage Xe’ra making her true nature all the more apparent! A true Light civil war!

Iirc, Draenei shamans were considered lower class scum basically for awhile (are they still?) because they don’t follow the Light. The Lightforged are even beyond that in terms of zealotry. There is not a single reason they should be comfortable working alongside the Void Elves.

And Turalyon’s first instinct for everything still seems to be to overreact in regards to anything that is the antithesis of the Light (Illidan and then Faol).

There is no line of dialogue in game I believe that shows they are actually ok with working with anything that isn’t the Light. Shamanism, shadow priests, Warlocks, etc.

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Yeah, it meant that the alliance story didn’t revolve around him anymore. Tragic.


Like Tilgath said above, this Lightforged x Void Elves thing is more of a fun assumption rather than anything cannon, the lore in A Thousand Years of War and the game representations stated the opposite.

Why in the world would the Lightforged abandon their beliefs just because the Void Elves are allies? That’s not how things work. Not even in WoW. Much of BtS was about how not all of the humans wanted to see their undead relatives.

Prejudices in WoW don’t magically go away. And most of the time Lightforged/Turalyon open their mouths it’s to denounce shadow.

The Light is not tolerant. Particularly of the Void/shadow. They can’t be spreading the Light without coming into conflict with them.


Because the entire lightforged saw what happened with Xera? More importantly we learned from Velen that Xera was withholding ALOT of information to the lightforged, information I am guessing he has already filled them in on.

At the very least that is bound to shake even the most ardent lightforged’s belief.

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I don’t know, every single time I encounter them in-game the Lightforged sound exactly like the Lightbound. It’s always purge this and darkness that. There hasn’t been a single hint that they’ve lost any zeal.


I guess it depends on how independent you think the Lightforged are. On Draenor the future Lightbound did become more invested in their faith overtime but it was the naaru that set them on a warpath. Before they actually got that new charge they don’t appear to have been hostile or even particularly militant to their neighbors.

Which doesn’t mean I think they’re entirely comfortable with the idea of working closely with void wielders. But until they got orders otherwise, from Turaylon, Fareeya or a higher authority, they’d keep the peace. They’re not Light missionaries, they’re soldiers and disciplined ones at that.

You know every time a thread like this comes up, including several times in this one, I see “But the worgen are our allies! There’s no way anyone, especially humans, would ever feel the least bit weird in having walking, talking could-go-feral-at-any-moment-and-slaughter-everyone-man beasts walking around our cities!”

I always find that assertion really, really stupid. I mean, here you have a pack of monsters whose entire shtick is “I infect any human I’m around with an incurable disease that turns them into mindless killer wolf men” and I’m supposed to think these would be considered valued allies by any rational human?

Now I understand that at some point they were humans, but would any real human let something like a worgen anywhere near them?

Also, there’s exactly zero grumbling from the humans about how their taxes are going to support a bunch of people that no longer have any homeland of their own and are essentially refugees in human lands. Looking at you, worgen, gnomes, night elves, landless human survivors from other human nations, and also void elves.

Point being, this is all stuff that should be causing friction in the Alliance, but Blizzard refuses to do anything with it.


Let alone how monstrous the Worgen are. Genn was not a nice guy without any wolf in him. His best friend pointed a gun at him, polarizing is the least you can say. But the Worgen are puppies now, and then theres the Void Elves so now even the Void has a collar and a food bowl. The Alliance need some conflict, rake the leaves a little.


Again, a lot of this is just your own assumptions being projected onto the lore. For example, the Lightforged don’t care about spreading the Light. They’re an army that was solely and completely dedicated to fighting the Burning Legion. That’s it. They certainly recruited people and would subsequently teach them how to wield the Light, but it was as a weapon. Velen’s style of preaching faith in the Light isn’t the same as what the Lightforged do. Like Fareeya says in their recruitment scenario, they’re soldiers. Their entire purpose for being is waging war.

If anything, THAT should cause friction in the Alliance since the Holy Child of the Light himself, Anduin, is 100% opposed to that mindset. His core belief that the Light will unite the world in peace is directly countered by the fact that the Lightforged, who have literally been infused with the Light, enjoy fighting and killing so much.

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The intro quest for the Lightforged mentions spreading the Light’s justice. https://www.wowhead.com/quest=49772/for-the-alliance

That should include the Void Elves.

There should be some discomfort working with the Void Elves. We see the velf player encounter some discrimination in Stormwind’s church. I don’t believe the Lightforged will go full purge though. Not until some elves give in to the whispers.

Tbh, even the non-Light focused Alliance races should be wary working with them (and possibly the Night Warrior Nelves now). In Zuldazar the Void re-animated Devilsaurs certainly are beyond what the Alliance normally does.

Velves aren’t like the Worgen who are cursed. All the Velves choose to become so

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Quite simply because it’s just not the fantasy Blizzard wants the Alliance to have.

And quite frankly I’m glad they haven’t said anything like Void Elves or Dark Irons being “Alliance Forsaken” of any kind because those would most certainly just end up being lies, like when they said that’s what Worgen would be.

Not entirely, true. While the Void Elves willing studied the Void, Alleria (whom is not a “true” Void Elf by the circumstances of the race) is the only one who “willing” embraced the void. The playable Void Elves are the result of a wayward Etheral Void Prince attempting to transform them into something else entirely. Alleria and the PC stop the ritual part way through and that’s how we get the Void Elves.

As of right now, there is no evidence pointing to if the ritual can even be replicated, let alone making more willingly. The Void Elves we do have hardly chose to be held down and spray-painted purple. They were probably looking towards something similar to Alleria’s situation, with the ability to essentially turn it on and off at will.

In addition to that, there are those that have willing accepted the Worgen Curse.

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Dwarves are in it for similar reasons to Goblins are in it for the Horde : it makes MONEY.

I think the Alliance (the core races of it anyways) have lived in peace for so long, preceding Warcraft 1 even and fought together then to stop the Horde when they were under Sargeras’ control. They were civilized kingdoms and had (one would assume) many years of development and such. The Horde on the other hand was more of a recent formation of groups. And to boot, more hostile groups as well (the orcs after recovering from the blood haze, but already being a very violent race in some ways with tension between clans being common), trolls who at one point held bitter resentment for most other races, the undead who for the most part could care less about anyone else, etc, etc.

Thats not to say the Alliance has not had issues amongst themselves. Look at the reasoning of why most of the High Elves left the Alliance after Arthas invaded, or why the Forsaken were open to joining the Horde as the Alliance would not see them (even when deserved) for who they were (understandably but still technically disputes). There was also the Nightborne who joined the Horde as a result of tension between them and the Night Elves of the Alliance.

There is conflict for sure amongst the Alliance, but just done much differently then the Horde. One seems to react for political or backstabbing and betraying (such as the situation with the High Elves), and another side being more war ready and willing to do a glorious death for their cause).

In the future however we may seem some more conflict within, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Could be very interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

Stormwind ignored the requests for help, from Stromgarde, for nearly a decade. Now that there are no more worlds to conquer, the man child, Anduin, has only one chance to prove his ability to rule. By entering a conflict that has been held at bay for years, by starving citizens of the alliance.

Glorious Anduin, will turn the unearned might of the alliance towards it’s own borders. Not because it is the right thing to do, but because his father failed to tend to the local plight of his empire, in favor of the glory of conquest.

Stromgarde has held two horde kingdoms at bay, even after Anduin’s favorite harlot, Jaina, took Strom’s entire army to Kalimdor, to be slaughtered.

Would Stromgarde receive any help from the mighty Stormwind? NO.

But, now that there are no more lands to conquer, Stormwind will find it, in their divine wisdom, to help the nation that gave birth to them. The nation that saved them from extinction. The nation that won every single war for them.

Gods bless the Alliance, Gods bless Stormwind, and Gods bless Anduin, the coward son of a coward king.

No, we don’t need anymore freaking elf civil wars. Its so over and done with.