Why isnt there a greater outcry?!

I just wanna experience Cataclysm, can’t really experience it in retail as you can just solo everything. I want to experience it as the current raid tiers.


I don’t care either way about wrath era or any other variation as long as there’s progression servers I am happy.

That being said necro bumping, spamming, and forum petitions have always been against the CoC afaik. Now I fully support discussions about all things wow but can’t stand seeing endless threads being spammed and/or necroed even if I agree with them. Petitions I personally don’t mind (although they are still against the CoC) as long as they don’t get spammed.

As for them being paid shills… maybe, but most likely not as why would they pay for something that they can get for free. I mean some people just like to argue for the sake of it and others just have well contrairan personalities.

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This is just one more example of just how out of touch with reality so many people are on the internet. The internet has given everyone a place to publish their thoughts and the most interesting thing we’ve learned is how many incredibly stupid people there are out there engaging in the most ridiculous conspiracy theories.

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You want to enjoy the expansion you like, that’s great & is the same point many have been asking for on these forums, to enjoy wrath or tbc or whatever expac they choose. By denying that, they are losing on sub $$ & the only other option are private servers


it is pretty outlandish, however you and the other 3 or 4 bots/alternating characters are always the first to reply & always posting anti-wrath rhetoric which is annoying with weak arguments. Time to get a hobby, dude seriously it’s strange…


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Nothing at all strange about it. I read the forums. Someone asked a question, “Why isn’t there a greater outcry?” I gave a very obvious answer, something all of us attached to reality easily observed. There’s just not very many people interested in wrath era. Were you around when we were fighting over adding rdf? Were you reading the forums during phase 2 of classic vanilla? If you were you would have seen what happens on the forums when a lot of people care about an issue. The meager response to blizzard announcing no wrath era is tiny compared to that.

Sorry to post some facts but it seems you need someone to pull you back to reality.

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Yeah I don’t have an active sub either, WoW token too good.

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because we know blizzard wont do it and will ignore us until way too late after the metrics show they screwed up and then they will be too little too late, yet again. The devs know what they want and wont listen until they start feeling pain from their metrics. Business as usual.


Have you not looked at the forum the last few months? Like half the threads were about preserving wrath, meanwhile a smaller number of people want to claim there’s no audience or long term sustainability in it. It’s goobly g00k when you consider the most popular version of private servers has always been wrath. This is the 1 version, if nothing else, they should preserve. But they seem intent to keep doing redundant versions of classic that no one asked for and die out within months of each launch.

“An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t post the word ‘go.ok’; it’s not allowed.”


Iunno, maybe people are too busy having an actual life to get that angry over a videogame.


No, more like blizz already flat stated there won’t be any and put their foot down on us… “for now” they say… When cata declines they’ll release a fresh wrath season server that’ll turn into ERA. After that in the next few years TBC.

It’s all part of their retention plans since lvl 60 SoD content releases a month after cata launch.


Because obviously even less people want to play LKC than cata then, if cata gets a server with only 2-4 people and LKC doesn’t.

I mean, it’s your logic.

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Outside of the exact context in which you’re using it, it’s a racial slur against (I believe, not really gonna check it out right now) Japanese people, or if that’s not the case some other Asian group.

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Vietnamese slur mainly…

I remember when there was a signature link and after being up for weeks it was at like 300 sigs. So popular


Blizzard did the same numerous times to those asking for rdf. No matter how many times the said no people continued to ask for it. And those threads were hundreds and even thousands of posts long. Most of the wrath era threads are less than a hundred occasionally 2 hundred posts long. I’m agnostic on wrath era servers and I waited to see how big of an issue it would be on the forum. Turns out it isn’t when compared to the really big issues that hit the forum, rdf and phase 2 of vanilla. And phase 2 of vanilla only affected pvp servers yet it was a much bigger issue than wrath era servers are on the forum.

My journey stopped when they said no Wrath Era. If they came out and gave us 1 server I would still be playing that version of WoW. No longer.


Because as always the loudest arent usually the majority.


This is meant in the context of a classic release, not retail. I am aware of the upcoming retail things.