Why isn't there a Black Elven Character in the Lore?

Simple denial isn’t gonna help, when it’s the literal definition in numerous sources. The denial would just be a confirmation as a picky racist. :man_shrugging:

And the formal definition for a civil war differentiates between an “armed conflict” and “civil war” but I also think that’s dumb and consider my country to have been in civil war for the past fifty years rather than “armed conflict”

I like chocolate milk.

The point I’m making with that is - That’s a different subject, of which isn’t in direct accordance to do with your country; or civil war. It’s simply the truth.

You push to punish those based on the colour of their skin due to the past of oppression, directing at those who share similarities in appearance and state they should feel ashamed of being a particular race, colour or having certain ancestors; then that by definition is discrimination. As I informed of above with the two descriptive terms that are used in numerous countries & languages for the term of ‘Discrimination’.

Nobody said punish, just saying reverse racism isn’t real beloved, you’re inventing things


What do you mean by ‘Reverse Racism’? There’s no such thing. If someone punches someone, then that person punches another who looks like the person that hit them - It’s still a punch. The point I’m making with that is: Racism is Racism, despite who its directed at - Pure and simple.

I’m not inventing things, you are. To warp the truth to appeal to your own bitterness, spite and hatred it appears.

Glad we’re in agreement that reverse racism doesn’t exist :smiley:

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Sweet. So you’re effectively agreeing with me, on the comment I made:

Thankyou. :slight_smile: