Like seriously?
Blizzard you are sitting on gold here. I’d pay you Twice the normal mount cost for it in your shop.
Like seriously?
Blizzard you are sitting on gold here. I’d pay you Twice the normal mount cost for it in your shop.
More than half the people in the world can’t drive cars correctly in real life. Every day in the USA alone there is at least 100+ car accidents per day.
I think they are just trying to keep us and the NPCs safe so we don’t accidentally run them over or destroy the roads.
What what about the car-like/motorcycle mounts we already have? Goblin trikes? Mekgineers chopper? Mechano-hog? Champions tread blade? Warlords deathwheel? Those are the only ones I could think off of the top of my head.
I’m all for bringing the hotrod in!!
I wonder what the reasoning is behind not offering it as a mount. It’s not huge, like a mammoth or long boi. Blizz is weird when it comes to mounts sometimes.
Not only that but this is begging to be a multiple person mount
I’m sure they have an entire list of mounts, allied races, class combos they are planning on rolling out as they need them to keep subs up lol.
I’d be more interested in getting one of Gilneas’ Stagecoaches as a new Mount. Have it be Rostrum-Customizable to allow Players to modify its appearance from straightening up the Luggage Rack, beefing up the Wheels, changing out the Doors and Windows to either make them opaque or tinted, and my personal favorite and a default unlock option: change out the Stagecoaches’ Harness in order to assign any of the Mounts we’ve collected over the years to pull it for us…
The Harness would have certain limitations to it in order to make the Stagecoach balanced as a Ground Mount:
Rule 1: Players can only assign “Living Creatures” to pull the Stagecoach: no Goblin Motorcycles, no Gnomish Spider-Tanks, no Magic Carpets, no Elemental Tornadoes, no Mech Suits. The only exceptions to this rule are Gul’dan Infernals, Gnomish Mechanostriders, and Undead Skeletal Horses.
Rule 2: Players can only assign Mounts with a set Walk/Run Animation to their rigging: no Moths, no Phoenixes, no Bats, no Cloud Serpents, no Bees, no Parrots. Unless the Mount has Legs and walks on them while on the ground; it falls under Rule 2.
Outside of these Rules, the Mounts that you can assign to pull your Stagecoach will fall into individualized Size Classifications to determine the exact number that can pull the Stagecoach.
Standard Harness: the Default Option which allows Players to select 4 “Small” Mounts to pull the Stagecoach. (Horses, Wolves, Hawkstriders/Tallstriders/Cranes, Unicorns, Raptors, Nightsabers, Etc.)
Reinforced Harness: allows Players to select 2 “Medium” Mounts to pull the Stagecoach. (Rams, Elekks, Kodos, Direhorns, Bears, Quilion, Riverbeasts, Boars, Yaks, Mushans, etc.)
Industrial Harness: allows Players to select a single “Large” Mount to pull the Stagecoach. (Yetis/Gronnlings, Ardenweald Gorm, “Long Bois”, Mammoths, Blackrock Foundry Clefthoof, Good Boy Taivan, Snails, etc.)
Best part that would make a Stagecoach coveted? It’s a 10-Seater… and you can assign any of your Utility NPCs from either your Grand Expedition Yak, Travelers Tundra Mammoth, “Long Bois” to ride on the Stagecoach with you, meaning you need only one mount for all your primary service needs.