Why isn't Enslave demon permanent?

For demo locks who are all about using all kinds of different demons to do their bidding, why cant this be permanent and essentially allow us to have a demon of our choosing just like hunters can with their pets.

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Because then Blizzard would need to do a ton of work on making every demon model in the game have updated animations to roll with the idea, and the talents would have to be edited to play with this idea. One to make control demon permanent and another to increase said damage of that type of demon by X%. at least another I’d imagine that this is the same reason why control undead is limited for DKs. The only thing I wish we had gotten was an actual pitlord sumon instead of little Billy there popping half of his body through the door.

At the very least enslave demon should let us keep our primary pet out for the entire duration, especially as demo

The tech is literally there and it wouldn’t be gamebreaking…


Yea imagine that, blizzard having to do some dev work for their game. But this is what glyphs were suppose to for.

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Same, was so disappointed

Companies change, it sucks but it’s just what people have to deal with.

I’d settle for a pit lord mount O:


Why does it only last 10 seconds in PvP?