Why is Vek'lor meleeing our warlocks?

Is this an intended mechanic or a bug? We can’t really seem to figure out the cause. Any input from you guys would be appreciated! Warlock will be tanking him and he will just run up and start whacking him randomly. We’ve cleared them both weeks, but this just makes it annoying. Is this how it’s supposed to be?

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Are either of the warlocks LoS’ing the boss or going out of cast range?

We’ve had him do odd things like walk up and punch me halfway through a cycle which was odd but after we made sure our warrior took the first couple shadow bolts during transition we haven’t had many problems. Prior to that trying to get initial aggro off proximity was causing problems. I’d suggest not trying to grab aggro right off the teleport and just stay far off and gain aggro with searing pain aggro alone.

Yeah, that’s what we’ve been doing. He will literally stop casting and just start punching the warlock. It’s very strange. Nobody is moving or doing anything. He just rages.

There have also been reports of aggro being wonky when people get initial aggro and go out of range especially pets. I’d suggest having any hunters just dismiss pets, it’s not going to be game breaking to have them. If they are on the table and go out of range he might go into melee mode and punch the warlock.

It’s been proven in the warlock discord that it happened during vanilla. I’ve heard mention that it could be by the tank taking the initial aggro moving, the warlock tank moving out of range of the caster target or another caster pulling aggro. I don’t think anyone is quite sure at the moment.


It’s none of those things. Warlocks will have full aggro, focused on him, nobody is even close to catching up. He just stops and starts to melee. We’ve tried all different types of ranges. I guess it’s just a part of the fight it seems.

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It’s rare. There’s a trigger not yet identified.

IT’s not a bug. You’re just doing the fight wrong.


What a helpful comment.


Well it is not inaccurate technically.

There are very clear pathing issues with these bosses. The random melee did not happen in vanilla; if it did, the trigger would have already been identified. Many people are basing all of their memories of “vanilla” off of their pserver experience.

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I believe someone here posted a link where the melee happened originally, but then was nerfed. Meaning, that it some how made it back?

But i can’t personally confirm.

Can I get a QRD on why warlocks are tanking Twin Emps? What can locks do that other tank classes do?

One of the two is immune to physical and deals primarily shadow damage.

Locks are the best class /spec for tanking magical damage, specifically shadow, as they get small resistance boosts from abilities and an absorb via shadow ward (and if really desperate a big survivability boost via master demonologist and /or soul link) , and via searing pain spam can generate enough threat actually let the other ranged go ham.


The person responding to you said the hunter pet was on the threat table, not that they had aggro.

It did, there was a video shown in the warlock discord. I don’t think it was a popular moment to upload. Vanilla videos are generally hype montages.

Twin emps meleeing is vanilla like: https://youtu.be/rnZtLf6b0Ws?t=412

Same thing, someone gets threat, goes out of range, and when the warrior gets threat again, he goes to melee him. Happens from 6:55-7:05

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And in that vid he goes from shadowbolting the tank spamming shouts to getting aggro on another raider which he 2 shots with bolts and then decides to walk up to the original tank and smack him. So, would the melee hit have occurred if the other raider didnt pull threat and cause an aggro switch?

This is not what is happening right now. In the video someone else got aggro and likely moved the boss. When the warlock gains aggro again he is within melee range, and thus gets melee. What were are seeing is the caster boss randomly running towards the warlock to melee him when nothing else has changed.