I just can’t find a good key for it. I’ve tried mouse wheel, my naga buttons, and other keys that I can hit with my non wasd fingers and it just feels so weird to use. A spammable at times ability that does terrible damage and either has to be pressed repeatedly or held down just feels odd.
Anyone else struggle with this or have any advice?
I just put it next to disintegrate and use it as needed during dragonrage for procs or just as a filler.
My E is Azurstrike, next to my Disintegrate R key.
Q for FB and T for ES
I play scalecommander
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Reading that made my eyes cross, but good set up.
My d is next to my r with q as fb and- gah!
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I just have mine bound to 1.
Ngl the ability is basically never pr3ssed for any of the specs anymore.
Pr3servation especially is supposed too never press that junk, and dev just has soo many other things that are just more importabt too press in most situations.
For those of you that pvp, something I’ve learned a couple seasons ago is that if you run the stacking slow from Disintegrate hero talent, you can Azure Strike to refresh the duration of the 80% slow on your target without having to Disintegrate again. This makes kiting melee even easier as you can just max out the slow and walk away from them while pressing Azure Strike
I only ever use Azure strike if I need to move and no longer have any hovers left to use but not gonna lie even then I much rather just walk somewhere safe and skip Azure strike all together lol
Naga #1 is my azure strike. It’s comfy. Naga #2 is Disintegrate, so I have “blue stuff here” in my mind.
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Ditto. It’s the easy key I use to slow current content or spam when doing old content. Lol.
I have mine simply as ‘2’ on the keyboard because its commonly used for kiting. So I needed a button thats easily accessible for that reason.