Why is Unholy Assault a capstone talent?

Imagine if powerful abilities like Combustion, Avenging Wrath, Metamorphosis, Berserk, Celestial Alignment, or Voidform/Dark Ascension were capstone talents. It would be absurd because these abilities are core to their respective specs’ gameplay and identity. For Unholy Death Knights, having Unholy Assault as a capstone talent is similarly problematic. It’s always going to be picked 100% of the time because it significantly increases a Death Knight’s damage by 20%. What other capstone talent can realistically compete with that?

Having such an essential ability as a capstone talent limits build diversity and player choice. It effectively forces every Unholy Death Knight to take Unholy Assault, reducing the potential for creative or situational builds. This stands in stark contrast to other classes where key abilities are baseline or accessible earlier in the talent tree, allowing players to choose capstone talents based on their preferred playstyle or specific encounter needs.

I urge Blizzard to reconsider the placement of Unholy Assault. Making it a baseline ability or moving it further up the talent tree, similar to what has been done with the aforementioned abilities for other classes, would enhance build variety and overall player satisfaction. This change would also align Unholy Death Knights with the design philosophy applied to other specs, ensuring a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience for everyone.