Why is tw gear 567?

Ah that old forum game: “Are they trolling or an imbecile?”

Place your bets now!

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Anyone who claims to “always get in TW q’s as DPS in 5-7mins” is always trolling, 100%.

Time Walking content in general is much easier than level cap content. You also have players of all levels potentially in your group make up, so Time Walking gear is considered Explorer gear, Adventure gear at best. It therefore shouldn’t be equivalent to level cap content which drops Veteran gear.

While I understand the need to get gear for content, you’re playing that is equivalent to your level, you need to work your way up the content. I have 38 80’s; Season 4 of Dragon Flight I only had 24 and they were all in Champion gear. I even created 12 more during re-mix, mostly Alliance during S4 so now I have at least 1 of every class and race.

I have Warband gear coming out of my teeth to give to alternates but I will always get more to help those characters out as I can from just my main and 6 alternate characters I play a week constantly. So, trust me, while I would love the gear in TWDs be equivalent of Siren Island, TW content is not on the same level of difficulty.


There is no world where timewalking is easier content than open world quests (both Siren Isle AND Isle of Dorn “priority quests”) that are literally a joke and that give veteran track gear.

There is no world where timewalking is easier content than a tier 1 delve (that is even more of a joke than anything mentioned above in this post) but that also gives 584 vault gear.

And there is no world where LFR content in TWW is “hard” by any means, it’s the same tier of “difficulty” as timewalking, and…you guessed it, drops 584 gear.

Let the alts and noobs have their vet track gear. It harms noone.

Mate. In the last two days, I’ve just run 3 alts thru at 8pm Sydney time. Which is close to lowest pop time. Longest I’ve waited is 8 minutes. What the hell server are you on?

NOBODY here has reported 30minute queue times. At all.

Cuz 7 8 9!

Your reason is the heroic cache, this week. That’s usually the reason. Otherwise, levelign alts get decent stuff (sometimes) from timewalk dungeons.

Because thats its level of difficulty

This was on Underbog, Kel’Thuzad, Moon Guard, and Blackwater Raiders. The SHORTEST DPS queue I saw this week across those four servers was 22 minutes. Usually it crosses 30.

Now, tank/healer queues? Yeah, those happen faster…usually in 5m or less, but those are tank/healer queues.

Again, that is damn unusual. I have zero issues with any of my DPS toons. If you ran a tank, it’ll be within a minute. Healer maybe 2. On Proudmore.

Someone else posted in another thread (related to the q not being accurate) a theory that it might be level related…i.e. a lower level character (who’s more likely to actually benefit from timewalking) seems to get longer queues. I’ve been doing this on characters that are NOT 80, because at 80 it’s not worth the effort. That might be the situation.

This could also be due to a reduced dungeon selection at a lower level…for example, my rogue on Moon Guard never got Skyreach at all this week…

The Siren Isle gear is Vet gear, that is more than I expected. Really odd they put Vet on a participation currency vendor.

That being said, the gear, secondary stat wise is horrible for classes seeking haste / crit. I still will run LFR on my Alts even though they are full Vet gear from the Siren Isle vendor due to needing haste / crit items.

Timewalking dungeons (especially WoD), the large pool of those items have a lot of crit/haste items, and the devs would never allow Vet track gear dropping in those dungeons because of that.

What’s funny is TW hits harder than heroics but you get the same rewards.

If you can do something fast in the game, it isn’t going to give loot, that’s their MO now. That plus they try to stretch everything out that does give loot.

I think the game has turned into an Elitist Jerks ego trip where Ion lives vicariously through World First players, he identifies with them, that’s why the game bends over backwards to cater to them.

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They need to boost the badges. The transmogs are much as the mounts are.

When did the TW gear get buffed? It was 554 (and still shows as 554 in the dungeon journal).