Why is this still an issue with Shuffle?

To make things short, if you have a leaver in your lobby of shuffle and you dont have atleast 3 wins yet, you lose rating? How is this still an issue? With mmr being capped as is and now knowing this is still an issue that has been here since day one, I lose every ounce of want to play arena that I have. Why are others punished for others actions? Any GM that wants to comment or can be contacted about this issue please send them here for a reasonable explanation.

you’re losing rating based on the matches that have already played out. if you don’t take your opportunity to go positive, then you are negative

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Thats really not the answer to question at all, if I have other games I can play to make up for the rating and cannot play them for another player leaving, why should that tank my rating? Honest question because people leaving lobbies and others being punished because you cant play all of your matches doesn’t leave a great taste in your mouth.

because it’s 6 matches in a vaccuum. if those 6 matches are not completed then you are taking what you can get out of what Was completed. if you went 2 out of 5 matches then all of the gains are scaled down to reflect Only on the 5 matches played. meaning you didn’t win more than you lost so you lose rating

Yeah I really don’t think you understand my issue, I understand how the system works but the problem itself is the system. If you can be punished for others leaving in arena especially in rated content, its not good but I understand what you are you saying but your either trolling or just coming here to be a menace and its not appreciated.

i’m not trolling i’m explaining that that Is how it works and it is Not an issue because the other person is losing waaaaaay more than you are. you can just que up again. that other person takes huge hits to their whole account

No you really are because your not addressing the issue at all, just because one gets punished more for the action they did, doesn’t mean others should suffer because of it that’s bad. Now if you don’t mind let others please comment on this please.

if by suffering you mean getting exactly what you deserve, then you should probably just stop, yeah

Probably just stop what

You’re being punished for going negative in the games you did get to play, not for the leaver causing you to have X games less than the 6 you were originally meant to play.


So basically the system the way its setup if you are in a lobby where one healer is going 6-0 but you played with the other the first 3 games and play with the other twice and someone decides to just leave and I lose rating is good for rated content?

This is the drawback of queued content. We get to avoid LFG, but might get put on a team with someone who doesn’t have fingers. (And consequently also the reason DF was more of a PVE than PVP expansion for me, because shuffle blows)

Right I hear ya, people not having fingers is one thing lol but people just stopping others from progression on purpose is tough to swallow.

if you don’t enjoy the content for what it is based on items you believe are issues then don’t play it

I can’t think of a reason that this scenario needs to be a thing. Im trying to come up with ways that leaving could be abused by boosters or whatever, but nothing yet.

My current stance is that this is probably an oversight and is an inferior solution versus either 0 rating change for all, or only rating gains for the ‘winners’. Rating for winners only, though, requires another thorough potential for abuse analysis.

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This is how it initially worked, but the community complained.

problem though is both should not be an issue meaning, the person leaving should tank all the rating let the people that are positive gain rating but others shouldn’t lose rating without having a chance of getting it back. I understand there could be abuse involved in this but honestly that will be a very small nitch of the player base doing it will get easily banned for it.

Sounds about right. some guy was on here complaining that PvP was no longer good for gold farming, so he no longer has a reason to play PvP, which he doesn’t like anyway.

Thats the community. literally complaining about not having to do something that they dont want to do.

Either way it seems like bad design


dont they take an enormous MMR and CR hit? like 200?

the lobby that happened to me before this post the person took -180