Why is this script dependant on main menu bar


I’m attempting to create a script that does the same thing as what I’m about to post but with the main menu bar. (I already have macros to hide all the art)

/run MainMenuBar:SetScale(.00001)
/run MultiBarBottomLeft:SetPoint(“TOPLEFT”,-250,50000)
/run MultiBarBottomLeft:SetScale(170000)

So this script is hiding the Main Menu Bar for the purpose of its where the script creator wanted their multibarbottomleft to be. But when I take it out, the script no longer works. If I replace the words with MainMenuBar: i still get nothing. The script works really funky if I adjust the scale on the first line. My goal is to use this script and just add 250 or so to the y axis for the bottom left bar but to just enlarge my main menu bar as well.

Thank you for all the help in advance I really appreciate it!

Probably a “lazy load” situation, the main menu is loaded by default and calling setscale auto-loads the packages needed for the same functionality in the other objects. Whereas one of those isn’t true about the other objects.

No idea around it.

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thank you very much for your response!

I’m not sure if the script you posted is the actual one you are trying to use or the one you are trying to copy but some points:

Scale is an order of 1 ie. 0.5 = 50%, 1 = 100%, 2 =200% so 0.00001% or 170,000% will just do funky things

You should have MultiBarBottomLeft:ClearAllPoints() before MultiBarBottomLeft:SetPoint so you are starting from anchor position 1.

SetPoint, unless you have the most awesome monitor ever, placing a frame at 50,000 up on the Y axis will put it on the moon.

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fizzle thank you very much for your reply. I will try working off of the tips you gave me and hopefully I can do what I want to do. Thank you for your help!