Why is there still so much hate for Aug Evoker

I like the idea of adding additional roles being support. Is the hate primarily from DPS specs who feel there’s too much competition in getting into a group? as primarily a healer I love having an Aug to smooth out the dungeon run.
Is it just a small noisy minority who hate Aug?

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Kinda this, most people don’t really care cause they don’t do content where aug was required. Maybe people were just upset aug was S+ for so long?


2 reasons

  1. I don’t want the game modified so utility abilities are locked solely behind supposed ‘support’ specs just to justify their existence. If I’m playing paladin, I want blessing of freedom and protection available no matter the spec. I don’t wanna have to play ‘lightwarden’ spec just to do anything but damage or heal

  2. I REALLLLLLLY wanted black dragonflight tank spec

The game really does not need a 4th role.

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Because since Aug’s inception, they have been basically required for very high end content, and they haven’t left S+ Tier the whole time. It’s not even their offensive buffs that are so strong, it’s the defensives they bring to your whole group, making them basically required to survive things that, let’s be real, you would NOT survive without an Aug there.

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From what I’ve read, they sound like a feast-or-famine spec based on the quality of the rest of your group. If everyone else is doing well, you’re probably better off playing aug even if you prefer devastation. And if the group’s only okay at best, or if one of them dies, then you’re even more dead weight than they are.

Prob because people don’t like the number of DPS slots being reduced to 2 since there’s an aug in every serious group. Makes meta gatekeeping even worse for the remaining DPS slots, and DPS is already overcrowded as a role. They should have made the group size 6 and tuned things up accordingly if they were going to add a new “support” specialization, and add support roles to other classes (e.g. shaman, paladin are obvious choices as they’ve been buffing/support roles in the past; easy to design paladin buffing and totem focused support shaman specs)


Free pass spec for bad players to leech their way into higher keys, and was so dominant even after heavy nerfs until Blizzard decided to put a bullet in its head.

No spec (not class) should dominate like Aug did.

From my experience, there are two types of players who hate Augmentation Evokers.

The first type are the bad DPS players. They think the reason they’re not getting invited to M+ is because Aug took their jobs. And when they do get invited to a group with an Aug, it gets highlighted just how bad they are.

The second type are the players who use logs, parsing, and damage meters as their identity in the game. Augmentation makes all that irrelevant. And what infuriates them even more, is the player that’s doing the least amount of “damage”, is beloved by the rest of the group.

This is a very shallow take, from someone that I doubt does any kind of serious M+, and couldn’t be further from the truth. Aug is a locked spot in serious M+, so yes, they do in fact “take their jobs”, I cannot make that any more simple, they’ve been mandatory since their release and will continue to be as long as they bring insane defensives that make sure you can live through things that you CANNOT live through without an aug, that’s just facts.

If your second type of person were to actually be true, aug makes everyone’s logs look better, so why would they complain? Everyone knows that Aug isn’t brought for their dps, you can’t even tell if they’re doing well WITHOUT logs, there’s nothing in game, via addon or otherwise that shows how well an Aug is doing, you absolutely have to check logs.

People hate Aug evokers because they’ve been mandatory for so long, just by being completely overpowered. They added a new role, that somehow got added in with the dps role that is the most oversaturated role in the game, there’s more dps specs than tank AND healing specs combined. Aug evoker was bad for the game, and nobody can change my mind.

I don’t mind Augmentation Evokers as much as I think it is kinda nutty that at high level comps they have been there since their inception (mid S2, so 4 seasons now).

Any other DPS that is up there for that long would need to have an off-season just to be fair to others.