They’re not unless you’re a brainwashed lunatic in the very community they’re trying to promote here.
They’re not
It’s one of the baitiest baits who ever baited bait
Not a single person agreed with that take lol
I’m all for celebrating our diversities. It’s what makes us all who we are, but not by denigrating other holidays in the process.
Less controversial, more the norm or majority-celebrated and thus most prominent, but that’s just a pedantic view of it.
Next you’ll tell me they also oppose measures to prevent sock puppeting!
u mean, u dont take pride in being a part of this cesspool of a community op?
its pride month every month on these forums its a circus lol.
need to ban all socks first, but it is cold and I need to wear socks.
They’re just PR and a bit of a stimulus package for the corporation in question.
ban all crocs first.
This, I could agree with. Crocs are… weird.
But so comfy and I have never owned a pair.
And here we are with the not-so-veild anti-trans rhetoric…
There he is with threats of violence again
So do tell.
Give us the definition to you. I’ll wait.
is he circling back to that exact post he copy pasted in another thread he posted in? this thread from a few months ago but i remember it. also bread getting bored. gonna do something else.
I’ve seen plenty, but I doubt you ever have.
What argument are you trying to make? So far you’re losing it.
Considering what I went through 2 days ago, and being a woman myself…
Real-Life Threats
This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:
- Refer to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:
- Be temporarily banned from the forums
- Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums