Why is there no new gift -under the tree- this year for Winter's Veil?

Did Blizz drink all of the milk that was meant for Great-father Winter?

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Because you get it on Christmas, which had been tradition since they started the event.


I feel like the reference was missed here.


I’m sorry if I ruined your joke, I thought it was an actual question :face_with_hand_over_mouth::laughing:

Considering all the milk Blizz is stealing, I feel like this question has its merits.

It never shows up until the 25th anyways, but Wowhead included this link in their WV post today.

That actually looks cool

Not this omg. :skull:

Heyo someone got it

I know it’s wrong, but given recent actiblizz news I might’ve chuckled.

and now for my snarky reply

they accidentally put it on the cash shop instead

That’s cute. And yeahhhhh.

I’ve read so many stories about workplace food theft is anyone surprised blizzard had it also. That also includes breast milk theft… it’s not just blizzard that has had that happen. Degenerates are everywhere

Great-Father Winter decided you don’t deserve anything this year.

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wait where else did it happen what


I wish i had those reddit stories saved. there were several

scumbags are at every work place.

wth lol.

Why. Is. This. So. Common.