Why is there four level 83 elite guards at the entrance to Gnomergan?

I went to do the pet battle in Gnomergan and they one shot me before I could even get in the entrance. Why put pet battling behind such an obstacle?

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Do it on an Alliance toon.

I don’t have any alliance toons and am not making one just to do a pet battle, but thanks :smiley:


Kill the guards.

Starting zones in the open world have elite guards 3 levels above max (was 5 prior to the level squish, which made them higher level than raid bosses), which protect the new players.

I believe you can get past them, it’s possible to run gnomergan dungeon on Horde but I don’t honestly recall how. You might need to just beeline it with flying, or maybe the booty bay teleporter still works?

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There is a portal in Grom’gol, in Stranglethorn.

Edit: Though I realize this may take you directly in the dungeon, which might be different to the pet battle one. My b.


The internets are telling me this:


Stay outa my town


You’re welcome. Kill the guards then or use stealth.

its the pvp part of the secret.

I don’t know if they changed it, but it used to take you just outside the dungeon.

Gonna have a pretty brutal time with pets then considering some require specific races.

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A true comrade.

Why not make a fresh gnome then run over to the pet fight? :robot::thought_balloon:

Because pet battling is the true end-game.

I guess.

The level of guards are also from the bigone era of PvP servers being a thing. I could see them upping the levels of everything if Warmode were turned on, but…

Seems like the principle of the matter at this point tbh

It has been awhile since I did that dungeon but can’t you just talk to someone at the pet area in Dalaran to get a port there?

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Only if you already did it once. The teleport is the quest reward for clearing normal mode.

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This NPC can send you straight in from Legion Dalaran. Just have to do a few quests to unlock him.


As someone suggested, I flew over their heads but they still managed to take half my health and I had to feign death real quick. Now that I cleared the pet battle I do have a teleport from the Dalaran pet store. Thanks for all the responses.