Why is there even a closed beta for cata

I assume just because its a mess right now due to their spaghetti code.

I’m only level 20 but its not too bad so far.

On a side note its amazing how much better leveling feels with the extra fp’s

it’s because some players will go in there just to play it instead of testing it, and then they will not buy subscription time at release, causing a loss of revenue to the company.

truly disturbing practice… shame on those who do that.

Because a lot of you just want to play the beta to find the best combos and methods. Betas are to find bugs.

It isn’t just the bugs being caught, but also the retesting afterward.

Blizzard is currently focusing on the leveling part of Cata (hence no character copy or template characters). I’m sure they have received dozens of reports of various quests, mobs, items, etc that need to be fixed. Some of those issues will be fixed, and then Blizz will invite more people to the beta. These new players will then do those same quests and interact with the same mobs and items and everything else, and Blizz will get to see if their changes worked or not.

If everyone was invited all at once as part of an open beta, there would be a mass rush at the start as everyone logs on as soon as they can. Then everyone finds the same issues as everyone else because fixes aren’t always immediate. However, it is unlikely many people would complete the lower level content again after they have already leveled through it once, so the majority of the players experience a broken game and very few stick around to test the fixes. This would reduce the chances Blizz would have to see if various corrections they make actually fix problems people encounter. While I am sure some people would do the content multiple times as well as a few who didn’t log on during the initial rush, Blizz has done enough betas and PTRs now that they should have the stats for how likely that actually is and they probably factor that into their invite schedule so they can get the testing they need.

Long story short, closed beta with staggered invites lets Blizz have more control over what gets tested and retested without artificial barriers (such as character wipes when Blizz needs more low level content retested).

To give two examples; Enchanting is completely broken since the button for Disenchant doesn’t exist in the UI, and when I was playing last night I leveled up twice, both times to level ZERO…as in the “You leveled up to level ______” text said “Level 0.”

Those are minor considering the Goblin and Worgen starting zones are complete DISASTERS.

At least this one was in their known issues post in the beta forums. :slight_smile:

And to be fair, the above mentioned Blizz post also says Goblin and Worgen are unavailable for testing, so people might have expected there to be issues with their starting areas…

Honestly I just did my usual Classic starting character; Human Mage with Tailoring and Enchanting. Gotta get them BAGS.

The FP additions was one of the few good changes that came with the 1-60 revamp. I specifically made sure to get everything leveled I wanted in Wrath just so I could avoid it in Cata.

Luckily for me I don’t care a thing about Worgen or Goblins so not a big deal there either.

I don’t know if anyone has noticed it but the beta servers are not meant to be open beta. They keep crashing and barely hold any players. If they make it open beta the test servers would just explode and make reporting bugs impossible.

At some point they will stress test it and that’s the point where they do open beta. Some of you just don’t know anything about the gaming industry lol

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