Why is there a new system every patch

Legion -> SL demonstrated a slower decrease than Cata -> WoD

But I think the concept of systems have outstayed their welcome.

:rowing_woman: :rowing_man:


I understand your frustration OP!

“Short term Systems” have been the groundwork for the developers for the past 10 years if not more. I believe it was the recent interview with Ion that he stated " short term systems was decided at the round table over “evergreen” content.


  1. Stop obsoleting previous expansions. New expansions should introduce new zones, raids, professions recipes and so on, but should not obsolete existing content.
  2. Corollary: Change leveling mechanics so that the catch-up does not turn into complete screw up.
  3. Use the whole world as a sandbox for people to play. PvE & PvP are PILLARS to any MMO.
  4. Possibly look into AI mechanics generating content.

At this point even the psychologists that work at BlizZard are also confused by these layers of rental system shenanigans.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Blizzard wastes so much time on these new systems, most seemingly to the detriment of players.

Domination sockets aren’t a bad idea, but their implementation sucks.

Instead of dropping pre-socketed gear, just have the socket be an item itself (like the old school belt buckles). You can then apply it to the current corresponding equipment slots (even legendaries).

Instantly solves your “recraft legendary” problem.

Can you acquire the buckle (socket item) in LFR to apply to your Mythic loot? Yeah, sure… why not, who cares? The other way, sure that’s fine too (not sure why you would, but its fine). You sitll need the gems which drop at the appropriate level per difficulty.

They can then also add it to the PvP vendor, so that community doesn’t get the shaft. Maybe throw in some PvP specific rune gems to that vendor while you are at it.


My thoughts are, Blizzard is hurting from hiring below market what is basically game fans, as developers, and OFC blame covid so i have to assume is they just cant produced high quality content to keep up with their 15 year old content release cycle.

So instead of making deep content, they can do systems on repeat to provide that content.

Stuff like this is why i really wish these devs were active in the community. Would it be easier for blizzard to just be straight with us and see if the community is fine with a different content cycle? Are there technical issues were not aware of that might be causing them major issues with their game mechanics? Really we are all in the dark here.

Something profound happened for Legion and whatever game model they are using it started with Legion. Id like to know more on the why…i mean is this all because people naturally get burned out on a game and they have data showing this crap actually is beneficial to those people? Are they all out of creative content? Are they lacking the labor needed to fully code an expected expansion?

Or are expansions like WOLK and CATA just impossible with todays economy? If so many people might be OK with different expectations rather than constant dissapointment…

I thought this as well. I could have sworn it was something a Blue rep said at one time shortly before the release of 9.0. :thinking:


I think you got it backwards. All the systems allow them to just copy it with a new code of paint every expansion.
Kinda like yenno, artifact power > azerite power > anima power lol.

In legion at the end we had the crucible powers, which are basically soulbind powers now.
Conduits are basically what azerite traits/relic powers were in bfa/legion.

It’s just rehashed crap.


A bit awkward, but it’s not a new system, we’ve had meta gems before. That’s where WoW is at. Nothing is new, they’re just rehashing the previous systems, but with a timegate.

That’s one of the most magnificent gifs I’ve ever seen.


I’m very proud of finding it, and all the likes it’s getting.


It just works - Betha…Blizzard

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I thought systemlands was supposed to be alt friendly.

What gives BlizZard?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Everyone has pretty much nailed it in one way or another.

My thoughts kinda went to the old complaint: it’s not difficult enough anymore & people don’t group up to help each other.

So they started these systems and borrowed power, and in the process lost the immersion in a story - a well told story. Characters got recycled too, over & over.

Why so lazy as not to build on the Vol’jin story? Burn a tree instead?

Even the hopefull idea of some really great characters big and small ( :wink: ) could have appeared in 9.0

The systems so far require more & more research imo each time. I guess it’s easier to come up with those jumbled ideas :woman_shrugging:

Maybe this is Blizzard’s foray into AI.

If they string enough systems together, eventually they get something emergent.

its carrot on a stick, to keep you playing, remove it and you will see that reres close to none content (feels like a early acces cheap steam game)

I have 3 days to decide if I want to renew… I’m really thinking I’ll pass. But who knows?

I shouldn’t feel this way it’s a new patch releasing my mindset should be excitement not… “do I really want to invest my time into this?”

I still have tons I can do in Shadowlands but the fun isn’t like it used to be.

I really wish they would go back to the basics and focus on content instead of how much time they can get out of a player. When the content is fun, we play.


Because the systems team call the shots these days. It’s all they know. Gone are the glory days when story focused people like Metzen were the biggest influences.


That’s the saddest part.
It’s budget corruption and only drops in raids.
Corruption was at least open to all players even if it did destroy PvP “balance” in 8.3.

I have never seen a more accurate and terrifying representation of what blizzard has been doing these last few expansions.

Hey let’s reinvent the wheel… It will cost more in money and man hours… it won’t be as efficient either… but hey our Time Played stats can be manipulated to falsely show engagement, so it gets the green light.

This was like when Blizzard tied conquest cap to trashcan bg… I mean ashran. Then claimed it was a pvp success because it was literally forced content for pvpers. Even though everyone hated and still hates that bg.

Now we have systems in systems are aren’t even hidden. It legit this is how we are going to do you raw and drive our metrics up. Enjoy.


If its not broken…break it ^^

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