Why is there a language filter if people are reporting “bad words”?

If your point was to show that you are upset that you were held accountable for your own actions, then I guess you did prove it?


P.S. You might want to check out the Forum Code of Conduct as well.

Lashing out at others because you don’t want to be held accountable for your actions is not a great idea.


You don’t get to click “I AGREE” and then be exempt from penalties from breaking the rules because you decided you don’t like them.

Yes, your immaturity levels. Hopefully one day you’ll grow up. Then again…


It’s quite apparent OP is purely trolling no one is that obtuse.


OP has their answer.

If they disagree with the rules, they shouldn’t have hit the “agree” button.

Any further back and forth isn’t going to accomplish anything.


So sorry that your feelings were hurt by your inability to follow the rules. I’m sure you’ll recover though I doubt you’ll take any responsibility for your own actions.

Good luck in your future gaming.


The only one who seems to have had their feelings hurt is you. The only one who seems to be acting like a “Karen” is you.

I have used “bad words” during PvP and raids. I’ve even used them when posting on the forum. I just don’t type them in the game or in the forum.

Nope. Reporting chat/forum violations doesn’t require the one doing the reporting to be offended.


How is being offended by profanity pretend? You make absolutely no sense, especially since YOU agreed to follow the rules and the rules say no profanity allowed.


Troll is as troll does.


I simply report those I see using profanity in the game. It makes the entire gaming system more enjoyable to not have idiots who think they can get away with the profanity simply because they don’t like the rules they agreed to.


Truly hope you are not a parent.


i miss when garrosh went all gamer mode on sylvanas that was sick as hell

See something, say something. That’s how that autistic boy from Florida is being returned to his custodial parent. Someone saw him at a store in New Brunswick and told the police.

People have reported others to the police and the police have stopped some mass-shootings.

Thank you for helping to show that it is proper to report when you see something.


I question the maturity of any alleged ‘adult’ that still calls people ‘tattle-tales’, or exhibits a failure to understand the concept of there being consequences for one’s own actions.


What you linked is just the opening statement in an article. It doesn’t contain much useful things. Also does not give credits to any specific study. The one from CNN that was mentioned is discussing saying the words out loud, not writing them. It doesn’t support using “bad words” in Blizzard’s games.


It’s a generational thing. Cussing has become the norm for a lot of younger people.

Call me a boomer if you want, but I grew up with parents that would literally wash my mouth out with soap if they heard me cuss. My dad whipped his belt off more than once to wave it at us to prove that he could (but never did) spank us with it. I taught my own kids that if you wouldn’t say a word or phrase in front of their Grandparents, it’s not okay to say in front of anyone. If I heard them say something ugly or nasty, all I’d have to say is “I don’t think Nana would like to hear that” and they’d look at me and apologize.


A child that’s 20. I don’t think younger people are involved here. Old enough to know better for sure.


Unfortunately, age isn’t an accurate predictor or indicator of wisdom or maturity.


I turned out just fine.


I believe this has been covered, ad nauseam, but to reinforce a few things.

The ESRB rating is for game content and provides a gauge for what people who are looking to play the game, or parents who may allow their minor children to play, may expect in the game.

The Code of Conduct, are the policies and standards for what people who are looking to play the game, or parents who may allow their minor children to play, are expected to abide by when playing the game.

Regardless of if our games are T for Teen, or rated M for Mature, the policies that we set forth for player behavior is the same. Those policies have been basically the same since we started.

Well, it would depend where you are. If you are at an establishment that generally has children frequenting it, there are likely rules in place that the owners of that business have established.

Beyond that, if this were my home, much would depends on the situation. Someone using profanity as an exclamation or good naturedly, I wouldn’t care, as I would probably be too. If they were simply shouting vulgarities, and causing a disturbance, they’d be ejected from my home.

That is fantastic. Entirely different situation though isn’t it?

Not exactly as they are written, no. There have been some changes to the language over the years, but at their core, they are the same rules.

To be fair, unless you are referring to a different Battle.net account, you haven’t really been playing the last 10+ years. You established the account in 2011, but this account has only really been active since around early 2020.

I’ve been here nearly 17 years, and actively and often daily, discuss and enforce our policies so can attest that you are emphatically wrong.

However, that really isn’t relevant. That you weren’t reported and/or penalized doesn’t make your point, it just means if you have been violating chat policy then you have been lucky. You have been around folks who either don’t know, or it seems like you, may not care about policy or apathetic towards it, which is far more common.

You may dislike those rules, but those rules have been in place for a very very long time. That you are only recently noticing them now, doesn’t support your narrative.

The bottom line is that we have policies in place that you have agreed to abide by. If you do not abide by those rules and are reported, penalties may be applied to the account that typically start with a silence but may escalate to suspension or account closure.

It’s late, and I believe we’ve had enough of this … whatever this is.