Why is the Timeless Isle the golden standard?

Absolutely. Give me the sure thing over the gamble every time.

you preferred the old way of camping 1 spot for hours, getting up to take a pee and seeing some rando that just walked past skinning mob you waited on?

Roll a hunter bro, rare pet skins will fill that void. Loque’nahak is a good place to start 6-8 hours spawn timer, several spawn locations, typically 2-3 people camping each spawn point and only one person can tame it.

But Mop is the expansion where all the crz rubbish was fully implemented lol. That is the only hate I have towards mop though.

I didn’t realise that it was??

?? AoE cap was only removed in Legion. MoP very much had the AoE restrictions in place.

Not to mention the zone was just fun with a bunch of secrets that you actually wanted to find.

I wouldn’t call it the best. It was certainly good and blew all other prior end game areas out of the water, but WoD and Tannan Jungle was much better (especially when flying was a thing). I’d still pick it over Legion and BfA though to be sure.

I’ve honestly been kinda casual since MoP so all the gradual changes have become hazy. I think MoP may have been the start of crz, but I’m fairly certain sharding came later. CRZ itself was annoying but tolerable since at the time, Emerald Dream was thriving and had enough of an active population that we were always the majority in the crzed realm group.

Timeless Isle was ok. the best part was the catch up gear I could send to alts.

Personally I preferred the Isle of Thunder. It was bigger, had as much or more to do, it had the treasure room and the rare farming groups were just more satisfying to me.

Timeless always felt too small and was too densely packed with mobs, with too many pointles elite mobs.


That was the biggest draw for me. Every other positive seemed like a bonus to people helping each other. There were so many of us trying to get things, run back for rares, interesting to navigate, but it was the people; the players when all was said and done.

Players actually backed off if you had something first or even helped. I had a complete stranger help me out and hang with me for an evening. Even giving me 10 not cheap flasks!

We were all in it together.

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Yeah that timed treasure room thing on Isle of Thunder was pretty fun.

This exactly.

It became the “gold standard” because it was a cheap-to-implement copy-pasted area design coupled with a deliberately mega-grindy years-long collect-a-thon using recycled models for “rares” and bosses. Designed to see how long they could string the least amount of content out. The answer was 14 months.

I remember them saying “yay it’s a huge success, everyone is on Timeless Isle!” No kidding they were, because there was no other new content in that patch (after a stellar first half of that expansion) and it offered gear catch-up for alts which was pretty much the only thing to do outside of instances in the “world” of Warcraft.

Blizzard looked at “their data and their numbers” which people always mysteriously praise them for, saw “engagement” and presto, new formula for designing bland grind-and-collect-a-thon zones.

Hence, the cynically terrible Mechagon.


I loved timeless isle but Tanan Jungle was even better IMO

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I didn’t think it was all that great until I decided to level my level 34 rogue there. I’d try to sneak around and tag rares (back then you’d get xp from them even at level 34). It was such fun.

But then Blizzard changed the leveling rules and fun like that doesn’t happen any more.

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Timeless Ilse was fine but the droprate on the toys etc was pathetic.

Tanaan Jungle was the best end level zone so far. In my opinion. So much to do. We’ll prolly never get a zone like that again. (Not including Mechagon since that was quite similar or The Broken Shore either since that was very similar as well) :smile:


Mechagon was a lot of fun until you hit the “farm same 3 rares for meta” part of it.
The chaos, the jetpacks, the social aspect was even good. Working with a bunch of players to build stuff, summon rares and protect drills.

The progenitor of these types of zones was actually the Isle of Quel’danas during TBC though. It was the end of expac grind with no flying with some crazy wpvp.


it wasn’t to bad and the simple fact pvp was better back then made it okay and the fact the game wasn’t as old back then just made everything better. and oh ya classes were so much funner to.

Its structure wasn’t played out, so it’s free-form approach was pretty novel and engaging. Rares, mobs that drop pets, repeatable quests, elite-only areas, and world bosses were all in the game prior, but the Timeless Isle implemented them all in an open-ended format that didn’t hold players back, and it was fun.


It had a certain pace to it, and encouraged player participation.

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Mechagon is the closest we gotten to Timeless Isle, and I loved it.


I remember everyone crying about not being able to fly in it…