Why is the story so terrible?

Also know as the Alliance being allowed to have their hyper masculine war daddy, whom got tempered down from foaming at the mouth, until a heroic sacrifice while the Horde equivalent was developed into a fascist the faction fought itself over.


That’s is not Lothar’s alliance era.


People cant like multiple things apparently.

Yes. Tenchar

It aint coping buddy its knowing. The idea of a story similar to Warcraft 2 cant be done in a game where wars can not be given a proper resolution do to how it requires 2 factions to exist in order to function, meaning you need to find a way to make said factions become peaceful with each other whenever you need to make neutral content.

In order to do this you require more thought to be put into both sides then just “Macho Men fight Evil Savages”. The one time we tried that in wow and didnt immediatly make it obvious the perpetrator was gonna have their faction turn against them we effectively broke the narrative, and Blizz is STILL trying to find a way to salvage it.


You are so out of touch with reality it’s sad.
What happened is very different. It’s business and men in suits making decisions not gamers, not libs. lol (funny you think the old writers were less “lib” haha).

Don’t live in your bubble and go outside sometimes. This is frankly sad.


You do know that most of the people behind the first 2 warcraft games also were behind warcraft 3. Where this “macho fantasy humans vs savage alien orcs” was more or less dropped to focus on a combined threat that both sides have a history with. The “evil savage” horde didn’t really come back until MoP with Garrosh and it ended with an open rebellion.

Cata and mainly MoP were the first games since WC2 where total war against the playable factions was one of or THE core theme(s). WC3, Vanilla, TBC and Wrath had small skirmishes but each of these either used proxy forces or were just minor story elements overshadowed by the “team up to face bigger threat” narrative. Sure Cata had that also but the AvH story was the secondary focus instead of just being a minor story to create drama at certain points. Which continued into MoP and it resulted in the Sha and all that chaos. Like the only real faction conflict between the “alliance” and “horde” in WC3 was the Founding of Durator arc and Daelin is the villain, not the hero. He launched unprovoked attacks against the Orcs and Darkspear Trolls. Destroyed ecosystems just to force the orcs into war. Tried to have Thrall assassinated under the false flag of a treaty and so much more.

So acting like it is a recent thing is honestly really funny.


That’s an incredibly low bar you’re setting.


If you think the suits have anything to do with narrative decisions you’re the completely out of touch one my friend.

They do. They are hiring etc. All of the current devs are more suite than anything else, aside from perhaps the art team. Or out of touch “let’s go esports”.

You are rather silly to think the new writers have much room, even ignoring cool over story and all of WC3’s story and how much not conservatie the original devs really were.

I guess WC3 must have been a case of

hellscape for you.

Reality dosen’t care about your feelings.


I never said the original writers were conservative. You and dork blood elf above are making an assumption about me from what I said. But I wont delve into le enlightened centrist meme with you. You’re giving nu-blizz far too much credit. Players are scapegoating Activision as the source of all woes when at best they’re responsible for the garbage store mount problem, patch release cycle, and unhealthy time played metrics. The current dev team straight up can barely keep a 16 year old game functioning, riding on the laurels of people who put far more soul into it. It’s just sad.

Second off mad. Dont act like Wc3 story was anything close to comparable with now LMAO

You were the one crying about liberal arts students… so.

Old Blizzard perhaps. I am simply stating the new writers are certanliy not more “woke”. The new ones seem rather closer to “enligthened centrists” to me than anything else. So more problematic on it’s own.

Where did I ever give current Blizz credit for those things or called Activision the problem? I often pushed back against it, because Blizz has enough suits on it’s own.
Ignoring Boby on the other hand would be silly too. He came from Activision and it had for sure an influence.
I agree the game has a lot of problems. I am not happy at all with many things. From the systems, a lack of content, the story etc.
Shaw and Flyn are not problems though. It’s not some “liberal art student” ruining the franchise.
Btw. I don’t even like liberals.

Of course not. I never did. It was far superior, more “human” and even more progressive in a lot of cases.
It was about ending old hate and comming together.

Edit: WC3 was better.


…Are you serious? Have you ever been in a writing room?


Watching WC2 boomers unable to cope with their “ideal fantasy” becoming less generic, two-dimensional, as well less black and white is so satisfying.


Hey I am one of those boomers and look at my responses!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Sure I still like WC2 and I like the Forest Trolls, but it’s a entirely different set of story and I am interested in way more different styles of stories and I really like WC3’s story.
Aside from that I likley agree with you. I like more nuances. WC3 was something very fresh.
Sadly I’m out of likes for now.

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Yes, but you don’t whine and moan about how a basic “good vs. evil” story was “peak” storytelling.

Another example would be the 3025 crowd from Battletech. Some of us like pulse lasers, CER-PPC’s, and Mad Cats. Don’t say that at a tabletop meet-up though. You might get shut out.


I mean, did they really have to cope? The first half of BFA was practically written for them. You’ve got your damsel-in-distress elves as an opener for a justified attempt at retaking the holy land from the horrible monsters, then spend most of the expansion beating them up. It only really splits up at the end, and whether it’s liked depends on whether they prefer retribution (blueballed from victory) or holy spec (enlightening the monster into ending it for you).


Most just want to purge orcs or be a playable D&D fodder and call it a day, which is why I thought trying to invent a PvP narrative and forcing it on other players into the main story to be one of the biggest missteps by the writers. Not to mention the Horde story basically shames you for wanting that fantasy.

A fantasy that basic doesn’t need a big nuanced story for it.


No it wasn’t. It really wanst. Did you play any of the RTS? Why do people always repted this?

Yes the cinematic of BfA was more RTS style hurray for your faction all over Godzilla vs. King Kong fun.

But even the first half made it clear this was not to be such a story. We had the Saurfang story from the start and it was so depressing right away.


I thought the context was pretty clear that the “WC2 Boomers” was specifically about alliance players that enjoyed all of BFA, not horde ones.