Why is the Shadowlands Campaign skip removed?

As has been explained for the 5th time now and as it should be beyond obvious: mounts and transmog. Just like every other past expansion…

I’m after some hunter bows and armour, from both ZM and the Raid. No other mail character or hunter character unfortunately.

And when did you make the evoker and when did it ding 60?

My understanding is that they removed the campaign skip last reset for all new characters?

What a dumb decision

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Ew I switched mains and would never want to do all that stuff again. :joy:

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It’s not worth it… look what its done to you! You became angry, spiteful and bitter just thinking about why you’d go back to SL!

Blizzard said that Evokers were the exception to the rule, they are the only new characters made post DF that can still get the Threads of Fate skip.

Nope that’s fully you making me spiteful, I barely played Shadowlands…

So everyone else who hasn’t had play time during SL is just RIP. Great. 10/10 developer mindset as usual. It’s always “screw over the returning playerbase as hard and as maliciously as possible, damn them for not playing our masterpiece of an expansion”.

I could never ever ever do the Maw again with the jailers eye and no mount. That was the most miserable I’ve ever felt playing the game. Plus the hours in torghast yikes.

Maw truly was hell.


Is it possible this is an understatement? Or is a “bit” in this situation a 55 gallon drum of Kahlúa? I’d be up for that lol.


Because they hate us.

You can timewalk in SL yet can’t even use the renown skip to 60 unless you’re level 50.

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Removing Threads of Fate was so stupid. I said it at the time. Remove the campaign instead. Nobody wants to do it.

If you just want access to a zone this works: pick up Engineering and use the Wormhole toy. You can even get to ZM at low level this way although I wouldn’t recommend it.

I just wanted to do Sojourner achievements on an alt instead of pointlessly doing it at level 60.

I hate this pointless gating of content. Particularly bad content like SL.

Oh it turns out you can’t even do it that way. Sojourner quests are gated at like level 52 for really no reason whatsoever.

Is it still impossible to skip the Shadowlands stuff on new characters? I’ve been unable to find a way, but I am willing to accept that I don’t know everything and may have missed something. I really don’t want to do the WHOLE Shadowlands campaign again just to access Zereth Mortis.


Level 60+ can skip. Below that, no.


To push more players out of the game!

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I used Threads of fate on level 60’s a few times. What happened at the time was that when your character reached 60, regardless of where you leveled, you could talk to the fate npc and then choose a covenant.

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I just took my new level 70 shaman to the Maw and such and didn’t have a way to skip. I even went to talk to the guy again and still couldn’t skip. Heard Evokers can skip, so I loaded up my 70 Evoker and it let me skip. Not sure what the difference is, but it seems my shaman is stuck running Shadowlands stuff from the beginning.


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You don’t go to the Maw. You have to go to the DK in your major city, skip the Maw, then you’ll get the usual skip to the Covenant in Oribos.

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Oh, sorry, I meant the starting quest. It asked me if I wanted to skip the Maw part and I did. When I got to Oribos, the guy who offers the “Threads of Fate” quest didn’t show up. I was treated as if I had to run the story all over again. Went back to talk to the guy who activates the “Threads of Fate” and he only had one option and no way to start it. My Evoker was able to skip, no problem.



What level was the character? Because 60+ I haven’t had this issue on any of my characters.

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Both characters are 70. Which is why I’m wondering what the difference between them is. One could skip, the other couldn’t.


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That I’m not sure. Hmm. I’ll poke around and see if I can find any information. I’ve only done it on those lower than 70.

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