Why is the pvp season reward so hard to get?

I’m not reading that Harry Potter excerpt you posted. But I would like to call out that you’ve been called out for this behavior before, fairly often.

Maybe a look inward is due if numerous people are calling out the same behavior.

Or don’t grow at all, introspection too scary.


Daddy chill

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This is a fair reply and point of view. Maybe I am bias in how long the mount takes to get since I mainly do pvp content, but if that’s really how long it takes to get the ksm and raiding mounts, I think you have a good point.

I don’t mind being wrong in this case. I’m happy you didn’t just get offended going on about how aggro, weird, or condescending my post was, but rather broke it down as to why I am bias/in the wrong instead.

If you want to grind out the progress bar in 2s I would be down, I have 6 different toons I could do it on. Just hmu if you’d like, Grimshady#1518. If I don’t accept right away, I have probably left for the gym.

That’s the problem with most young people these days.

Thanks for calling me out and not pointing to anything in particular. I guess I will have to just take your word for it (insert sarcasm emoji).

Again, I guess I will have to just take your word for it (insert sarcasm emoji).

I’m not going to be apologetic because you (or anyone else) got butt hurt because I expressed my thoughts.

If you want someone to tell you what you want to hear all the time, go see your mom or a therapist, idk. I’m definitely not going to be that person for you :slight_smile:

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hmm, maybe I am still getting them because I didn’t get the opposite faction ones. I need to get on that actually.

I will still have thousands of marks left on top of dozens of saddles though even after getting them lol.

Maybe I need to take a break :open_mouth:

Can confirm pushed like 2200 2300 one season in rbgs and it was like the 2nd season I ever pvp’d since like TBC. I ended up buying like every single mount in that one season.

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For a lot of PvPers we had several extra saddles in our bank. We don’t even give the progress bar a second thought.

You answered your own question tho, it’s a participation trophy; you have to play to get it.

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That they don’t read your worthless drivel? I’d say that’s a net gain for society.

Or you could just be self aware, but along with introspection it’s very hard. I believe in you though, an hour a week for an entire season and you’ll be there.

No one is butt hurt, you’re just being called out publicly for being condescending where it wasn’t needed. Your defense to that is to puff your chest out and plant your flag in this hill to die on.

I mean mom sure, a good therapist does the opposite of tell you what you want to hear. The subtle jab @ therapy tells me that the introspection & self awareness things will never occur.

Good luck, make sure to remember time under tension in the gym

You seem genuinely upset.

Except you apparently.

Again, you’re just being butt hurt, and you’re supposedly calling me out for being condescending without pointing to anything. In any event, if I come off as condescending to what I perceive to be lazy and/or entitled people, then good lol (in the op’s particular case though he broke things down without being insulting or acting like a man-child, and in the end I agreed with him that the seasonal pvp reward requires a disproportionate amount of extra time to obtain as compared with the other major end game content participation mounts).

There is no defense or hill to die on (e.g., you’re just overthinking things). It’s just a discussion, I even later admitted some bias on my end but you probably couldn’t be bothered to read that either, because you’re just an easily-offended man-child that can’t be asked to read anything that doesn’t fit your agenda.

Didn’t see this until after returning, but thanks mate :slight_smile:

I’m bored enough to point out where you’re the exact thing you make fun of.

This little excerpt was followed by this beautiful thread:

You provide a reason of it being due to respect and decency:

I’ll let you figure out the irony here.

I’m not going to go beyond this in showing you more examples of you being goofy / condescending / rude to other players that didn’t deserve it from you.

For clarity, you think yourself to be a soy boy with a fragile ego based on the above quotes. I was just saying you’re a bit condescending, but we can go with either one you prefer.

What is your opinion on science based lifters

The science they cite is often contradicted by future studies months or years later.

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Jeff Nippard intensifies but real n true

piecing together previous posts and applying them without full context of the rest of the discussions to fit your narrative, and doing so in a way that has absolutely nothing with this thread,

e.g., me leaving shuffle rounds and/or bashing leavers has nothing to do this post or being condescending.

This is why you didn’t have anything to say earlier. You have now sifted through my post history, and this was the best you could come up with to support “calling me out” to say that I’m regularly condescending towards others. LMFAO.

No, you’re not going beyond that because you came up dry after searching through my post history.

You “called me out” for being regularly condescending to people, and then frankensteined a coupled of my replies in previous threads, where yes, I went from bashing leavers to being a leaver (though I am better about it now), but even with that frankensteined job that still doesn’t support your claim that I’ve been regularly condescending to people.

What I love most is that you said that you “aren’t going to read my harry potter posts” or whatever you said earlier, but then you take the time to go through my post history (much more time than it would have taken to just read my posts in this thread), to go out of your way to show me how I’ve been regularly condescending towards people, and to then just post a bunch of out of context sentences from multiple other threads, none of which support your calling me out for being regularly condescending/rude/etc. to people.

I’m going to take that as meaning that I’m in fact not regularly condescending to people (and that presumably if I am on the rare occasion, the person had it coming) [e.g., like you].

Yeah, at times. Rome wasn’t built in a day you know. I’m working on that, but yeah, if/when someone leaves shuffle, including myself, it’s pretty much a soy boy with a fragile ego thing. My opinion on that hasn’t changed, I just found myself in the very position that I had been judging.

In any event, there is zero point to us going back and forth anymore, it’s only derailing the thread further.

Good luck to you :slight_smile:

Back to the thread topic, I actually agree with the op in that the seasonal mount progress takes more time than it should, especially when considering how long it takes to get the ksm and raid equivalent pve participation reward mounts.

I was just bias at first, because as a pvp-main that is also pretty casual, I more or less fill up that progress bar several times throughout each season, but in hindsight, I think I would probably find obtaining the pve mounts a bit more grindy than I’d like, so I see where the op is coming from.

The threads include you arguing with multiple people and being condescending about it the entire time despite being entirely in the wrong.

I am not going to go quote every interaction you had w/ Failedwizard. the paladin, the monk, or anyone else. Go read it.

You’re a walking contradiction / hypocrite & you have a problem w/being being condescending. I’ll remind you again the next time you do it.

Answer my question.

There’s just no way this is true for a player that is “new” to PvE

Like please tell me how as a PvP only Andy how I could go get that mount in 7 hours haha. Don’t you have to play two different weeks because it tyrannical versus fort?

If you mained PvP like you do PvE the saddle would be easier for you because you would be winning more games

Hooooly chat gpt

Yeah, new player having their app declined 90% of the time unless they tank/heal :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

idk homie i think u thought he was asking about the glad mount.